on Monday it emerged that the Danish svømmestjerne Pernille Blume in January was through a operation in the heart. the

For soon a year and a half ago began Blume to experience nerveforstyrrelser in his left arm, which sent her through a long series of studies.

Here it turned out that she had a hole in the heart.

– I have found after an examination at the hospital that I had had a small blood clot, and in this respect I was therefore, also checked my heart. Here found the doctors that I had a small hole that should be closed through an operation, said Pernille Blume in a press release. the

Back in the water
Blume does not want at the moment to comment on the operation, but opposite Ekstra Bladet tells her coach, Martin Truijens, for that she on Monday took an important first step in the direction towards the to come back.

She was in the water for the first time since the operation. We take it easy day by day. She is very happy to be back in the water. It is the first step, and then we shall see. She is in a good mood, says the dutchman, who has followed the Blume close during the process. the

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– I think only you can do one thing in a situation like this, and it is to support her. Listen, give input when she wants it. It is my role to be supportive.

– It is good that the surgery is over. When I look at her, is it first and foremost as human and then as a great athlete. It is the most important thing, says Truijens. the

Hard thoughts
Operation and the flow within is something that has put mind at the time of Blume.

– She has handled it incredibly well and very professionally. But try to imagine, for example, if you go to the doctor in the morning, and he says, you have cancer.

– The next day you feel different. You’ve got a knowledge that affects your thinking, your mind, it changes many things for you. In some ways it was like this for her.

– In the first place, she was focused on getting out, but then she began to think about it. When is the operation? How long does it take? What are the consequences? How does it affect me as a human being? It is the questions she had, but she has handled it really well. I must say, explains Truijens.

Blume, together with the rest of the swimmers at the National training center (NTC) at the training camp to south Africa with departure at the weekend.

Here begins the genoptræningen for real.

Swimming – 14. jan. 2019 – at. 11:05 Shock: Danish svømmestjerne end his career