The new Modem is installed, but the wireless Internet does not work. The operating system of the TV Box is updated to the latest Version, but suddenly the individual channels are missing. Although technology should make life easier, they often Trouble and lost time.

The customers of Swisscom, in such cases, an Alternative to the conventional service number. You can search in the Internet on the platform of Mila people from the surroundings that help in the solution of the problem.

Just under 8100 Amateurs and 1600 professionals currently offer a fee for this type of customer service. A fix for the Smartphone, for example, have for 79 Swiss francs. If necessary, come by the service staff even.

outsourcing work to the mass through online platforms is called in the industry, crowd working. The largest Swiss Telecom provider, has entered six years ago, at the young company, Mila. In the meantime, the Portal is wholly owned by the government-related business.

Controversial crowd working

However, the digital swarm work is controversial: the work is defined as the ratio between the mediation platforms, and the workers are legally disarmed, what can black promote work. On the other hand, trade unions, corporations outsource more and more Work on online platforms, in order to reduce fixed costs and social obligations.

To better protect the day laborers of the digital age, Syndicom and Swisscom have signed the first code of conduct. The Union announced the collaboration today. This newspaper knows the Details, but: An important point in the agreement, the elucidation of the Mila-helpers as to the applicable law.

Swisscom is committed, the crowd worker to the fact that you have to deal independently with legal and tax matters. For example, Mila may request a new from the online employees that you demonstrate the correct registration and settlement with the relevant social insurance authorities.

according to reports, the platform has already searched to the beginning of times with representatives of the compensation Fund Zurich the conversation and your model to work, a legal framework adapted. In addition, the blue giant has to ensure that Mila does not make illegal orders to the Crowd-worker. Refers to projects with glorifying violence, or fraudulent content.

a Large proportion of the crowd workers in Switzerland

Swisscom will inform that you seen the code of conduct as a complement to the legislation and voluntarily signed it. “Mila wants to show with this measure that the Portal estimates that its crowd workers and for their fair treatment stands,” says Swisscom spokeswoman Sabrina Hubacher. In addition, the agreement should contribute to the creation of the unions to be more understanding for the working model of Mila.

Syndicom, in turn, refers to the longstanding social partnership with Swisscom. This is a good Foundation for a code of conduct for Mila to develop. Central Secretary Daniel Hügli in mind, “to monitor the future activities of the platform even better, and to intervene if necessary”.

the Latest Numbers to swarm work in Switzerland come from the year 2017. A study of Syndicom has shown that the proportion of crowd workers in this country is big, even in a global comparison. Accordingly, a third of the Swiss has already searched once according to work orders on an online platform. Particularly, this work is widespread in the area of Zurich and Ticino.

Politically, the issue is also on the Agenda. The Federal Council has declared at the behest of the FDP, to check the legal status of crowd workers. You should no longer apply in case of doubt, as an employee, what your employer were less strict rights and obligations. First and foremost, the online employees will receive a Pro-rata social insurance protection.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 12.02.2019, 20:40 PM