The original idea of a european community in the EU has slowed.

It takes Italy’s prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, who on Tuesday is visiting the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France.

Europe is at a critical stage. The european project seems to have lost fremdriftskraften. It is our task to restart the european project, ” says Giuseppe Conte.

Giuseppe Conte gave on Tuesday his views on Europe’s future during a debate in the European Parliament. Here aired his fears of a revolution in Europe.

the EU has removed itself too far away from the people, believes the Italian prime minister.

– The european people want, listening to them, but we should not accept that the european community gets angrier and angrier. We have neglected these angry emotions, and it can lead to revolution. And it shows several phenomena in european countries, he said in his speech.

Conte fears, for example, to the great dissatisfaction, as The ‘yellow vests’ in France, in particular the recent months have shown to the political ‘elite’. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

the prime minister calls the free movement of people, goods and capital ‘one of the main achievements of the european integration process’.

And just exactly integration takes up much of the speech and the subsequent debate.

Several of the authors in the european parliament is out with the rake after Italy’s handling flows of migrants from the Mediterranean sea.

Here is the case on the 47 migrants on the rescue ship, which circled around outside of Syracuse for about two weeks in January.

the Ship was not allowed to sail to the Italian coast, after Italy with six other EU countries had agreed that the benefits of the 47 migrants.

but The critical voices come from, among others, the leader of the socialist group, German Udo Bullmann.

– Where is the great nation of Italy? Where is the european country? We need to have the government stop being inhuman, reads it eagerly.

As answer call Conte large parts of Europe for ‘hypocritical’.

– Immigrants are only a problem when teeth found where you’re looking and pointing at the Mediterranean sea. The problem with immigration is not the Mediterranean. The problem occurs already when the persons dragons from the village and end up in the traffickers fold, he says.

Also from the Italian parliamentarians, there is criticism. Eventually during Tuesday’s debate is the tone so serious and the disruptions so many – president Antonio Tajani, an Italian, must act:

– I remember you right that Conte is an invited guest. I will ask you to use a respectful language, and here I speak particularly to my fellow countrymen.

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