The total increase represents new resources with 6 percent.

– It is the best way to strengthen people’s health and giving them the care they need. There is a lot of pressure on the emergency hospitals, and an important part of the solution to that is that the care given at the right level, ” says Anna Starbrink.

155 million is used to increase the so-called listningsersättningen – the fixed remuneration that the health center will get for each patient who has chosen to list themselves there.

– We put most of the effort to raise the fixed remuneration in order to strengthen the basis for medical centers and husläkarmottagningar, ” says Anna Starbrink.

also is changing. The age-related part is reduced by 25%, instead, the part which emanates from the individual’s own care requirements. Demand for care is counted on the basis of the diagnosis, as well as from a vårdbehovsindex, CNI. CNI consists of seven factors, including age, level of education, unemployment, and if one is born outside the EU.

“It means more resources to health centers that have many difficult patients,” says Anna Starbrink.

All patients who want to get the right to choose a firm named family doctor – and not, as previously, only have the right to list themselves at a reception. Some health centers and husläkarmottagningar has already previously offered listing on the doctor but it has not been mandatory.

– Two of the three locals have a specified doctor, but often do not know about it and have not selected the doctor himself. But we need more family doctors, ” says Anna Starbrink.

the proposal includes, inter alia, that a doctor with a shorter contract at the health center, such as continuing to work after retirement – must be able to stand for the family doctor with their own patient list. ST-doctor – would-be medical specialist – should be able to have your own patient list in the last two years of their education.

– As a patient you have the security of being able to choose a fixed family doctor who knows your needs. One of my main issues as the new chair of the regional assembly is to carry out a review of the entire care chain. No one should end up between the cracks in the healthcare system, ” says Tobias Nässén (M), care – and valfrihetsregionråd.

at the same time built ST-services in general practice, for more future family doctor.

– Now we train more doctors than ever before. In four years the number of finished ST physician in general medicine doubled in the region of Stockholm. Their future is secured by we will continue to prioritise education and skills says Ella Bohlin (KD), vårdutvecklingslandstingsråd.

– A historical explanation, I think, is that no one envisioned that there would be so many private medical centers and husläkarmottagningar. But if I’m going to be self-critical so should utbildningskravet have come in earlier, ” says Anna Starbrink.

Besöksersättningen raised by sek 20 per visit for other professional groups than physicians – such as nurse, psychologist, dietician, physical therapist.

” Every patient should get the care of the right person with the right skills. A height compensation creates the conditions for vårdcentralens important of teamwork, where all employees ‘ skills are utilized to the fullest. We hope that this frees up time for doctors ‘appointments for those patients who need it, and that all the patients can get a faster and more accessible care,” says Christine Lorne (C) group leader in the health and sjukvårdsnämnden.

the Greens want to build out the center with different forms of therapy and counselling which it is easy to turn to throughout the county.

” What is needed is a clear change in how we deal with mental illness. Our ambition is that all who are in need of support in the future to get good help in good time, ” says Susanne Nordling (MP), group leader in the health and sjukvårdsnämnden and chairman of the psykiatriberedningen.

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