There is an effective vaccine. Vaksinerer man with two doses, remove the one in the principle of the circulation of chickenpox in the community.

It says the commander of the vaksinasjonsprogrammet in the Swedish Folkehelsinstuttet, Adam Roth, to Sweden’s national news agency, TT, according to Expressen.

In the course of 2019, it becomes clear about our Swedish neighbours will now include chickenpox in their national barnevaksinasjonsprogram. The vaccine has not been considered introduced in Norway and there are no immediate plans for this, explains the director Margrethe Greve-Isdahl in the department of vaksineforebyggbare diseases at the Norwegian institute of public health.

– It is a complicated assessment. One must take into account that the introduction of vannkoppevaksine to all children through barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet may mean that there will be more cases of shingles among well adult persons in a period of time.

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Chickenpox is a contagious barnesykdom which is caused by the virus Varicella-Zoster, and affects virtually all in the course of his life.

According to the ministry of health is the major symptom of chickenpox rash which begin as round, red patches and often spreads gradually over the whole body. In addition, it is common with impaired general condition and fever. Most people get the disease only once in the course of his life, and most get it as children. Although the disease often affects the harder the older one is, the vast majority of healthy without treatment. Chickenpox is a disease that takes very few lives.

Both in Italy, Germany and in the united STATES are children today are vaccinated against chicken pox. In the latter countries was Varicella-vaccine incorporated in vaksinasjonsprogrammet in 1996, and in the years from 2000 – 2005, the us authorities have experienced a reduction of sykdomstilfeller on the whole 82 percent.

In Italy, the vaccine against chicken pox from the vaccines were made mandatory in 2017, as a result of what the authorities thought was a prevalence of misinformation about vaccines.

– Can lower the burden of disease

Three criteria must be considered before the Swedish Norwegian institute of public health comes with its recommendation to the government: Whether it effectively prevents the burden of disease in the community, that it is economically viable and that it is ethically justifiable. Under this is also an assessment of possible side effects as a result of the vaccine.

– the Advantages are that one can lower the burden of disease. Chickenpox affects the in principle, all in Sweden. Most often, it is a mild disease, but each year there are 300-400 hospital admissions among young people as a result of the disease, and about half as many among the elderly, ” says Roth.

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In addition, he highlights that a vaccine against chickenpox will get positive outcome on the number of sick days for parents of young children.

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Varicella-vaccine was developed already in the 1970s. Although a vaccine against chickenpox is included in the national barnevaksinasjonsprogram, received the vaccine marketing authorisation in 1997. Norwegian institute of public health recommend the vaccine for adolescents and adults who may not have had chickenpox as children, especially for women if they are planning to become pregnant.

Whether or not the vaccine can also be a part of barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet in Norway in the long term, it is difficult to say for sure, ” explains Greve-Isdahl.

A Norwegian bakgrunnsundersøkelse about how well the population is protected against chickenpox, among other things, shown that a full 90 per cent of young adults in the Uk have undergone the disease.

HEVETESILD: It is among other things the fear of the increased incidence of shingles which makes the Varicella-this vaccine is not included in the Norwegian barnevaksinasjonsprogram. Photo: NTB Scanpix/Shutterstock Show more

another study has also pointed out that the vaccine can lead to an increased incidence of shingles, ” she explains. This is because the Varicella-Zoster virus remains in the body after one has had chickenpox, and can later give the outbreak of shingles. That one is regularly exposed to the virus due to the natural circulation of vannkoppesmitte in the community, makes the immune system get small oppfriskningsdoser of the virus and, therefore, that the virus is often reactivated and lead to outbreaks of shingles in those who have had chickenpox.

– One has among other things seen that they have a lot of contact with children rarely get shingles than those who do not, it is. The virus can be reactivated by lower immune system, which also makes that most people who get shingles, like to get it in older age, ” says Greve-Isdahl.

That so many countries have the vaccine as part of their vaccination program, believes she may have multiple causes. In countries that do not have a sykepengeordning, or as not to cover wages during absences due to illness in children, there may be economic motives for the introduction of the vaccine. Some countries may also have considered that vannkoppesykdom leads to great stress for some with severe sykdomsforløp and hospitalization. Some countries have also introduced a vaccine against shingles, ” she explains.

Indeed.en: No, today’s vaccines and vaccination programmes do not constitute a health risk