While juleforberedelsene and gavehandelen continued for the full, got prime minister Erna’s husband Sindre Is sjokkbeskjeden: “You have cancer”. Several operations followed. After the treatment sign couple of good predictions.

Monday was the news of the Found’ cancer diagnosis publicly known through See and Hørs mention. The general secretary of the cancer society, Anne Lise Ryel, allow themselves to impress that the couple stands up and gives the disease a face.

I think it is both admirable, great and important that the prime minister and her husband stands up with the disease. It is admirable because it is not a matter of course that you manage the load on top of the other disorders. The disease can hit very hard, and the association is very happy that they choose openness, ” says Ryel.

Ernas husband has cancer – hope

the secretary-general believes the effect of that two so famous person as the prime minister and her husband stands up with the diagnosis, helps to ensure that the message reaches out to many, and in that way helps to break the boundaries many have to talk about cancer. She thinks it also may lead to that more people can believe that it is possible to get through a heavy time of illness.

– It helps a lot and gives hope to many in similar situations. One feels one can speak about the disease and how the treatment has been. It will be of help for very, very many, ” says Ryel to the Newspaper.

AWE: Anne Lise Ryel of the cancer society. Photo: Self-image when we have Arnesen / cancer society Show more – Use sunscreen

Tuesday went Solberg out with new comments in connection with her husband’s diagnosis. Are mean even that bad protection against the sun’s rays can be the cause of that he got skin cancer. The prime minister encourage now people to be able to protect themselves against hudkreftfare.

– Like all the others, I was anxious when I heard the word cancer. But there are many who get this type of cancer as a result of sun damage, and here we must be even better to protect us, ” says Solberg in a statement to the Newspaper .

Ryel think the invitation can have a preventative effect and increase awareness around use of sunscreen. Norway is a country where there is the highest rate of skin cancer. So it doesn’t need to be, the opinion of the secretary-general.

I was anxious when I heard the word cancer Turns your life on its head

The couple now stands up and tells about the disease together, even if only one of them is ill, she seems also represent an important symbol.

They show that it affects the whole family, and that those who are standing around are not invisible or unaffected. It turns more lives on the head, not only with the diagnosed. And waiting times from the you get the diagnosis, to know how seriously affected they are, can be particularly difficult, ” says Ryel, who adds that that is precisely something cancer society is working to do something with.

– When you get a such message, and in and with that you know it is a fatal illness, so there will be many thoughts before you know what you are going to relate to. Therefore, it is important to shorten the waiting times with the uncertainty around the treatment and what you have in store for you, says the secretary general.

– Therefore, I love Erna Dagbladet Plus