The bad news from the town house Affoltern yesterday Affoltern Morning via e-Mail Michael Buik, Director of the hospital, addressed to: The city Council wants to eat, neither for the hospital for planned care centre, Sonnenberg capital in a single coat and thus their closure. “That comes to us out of the blue,” says Buik in consternation. With the Commission he planned in the past few months, the future of the hospital, reinforced the cooperation with the city hospital Waid and Triemli and a driving force behind the new construction plans in Affoltern. Now he had to switch his day program and at 12 o’clock, an extraordinary employee information schedule.

Two hours earlier, had ordered Clemens Grötsch, political party, President of the city of Affoltern, and social Dean Martin Galluser (SP) the media to the town house. Topic: the future of the hospital. And the Info it had in it: “We see no prospects for our hospital,” said Grötsch. Therefore, the city Council recommends to the Voters, at 19. To vote in may for the dissolution of the Association, for the hospital, Affoltern. And, above all, he also argues against the accession to the new non-profit Aktiengesellschaft for the acute hospital and against the accession to the inter-municipal institution for the care center Sonnenberg.

The city Council based its decision on a 160-page thick report by Experts of the consulting company Curanovis from Cham. Accordingly, the hospital for the quality of health care in Affoltern is not necessary. The capacity of the surrounding hospitals were enough. There is a need for only investment in emergency care. This is to build up the city Council with a new Permanence and a rescue service in the city centre.

New seniors is undesirable

From the point of view of the city Council can Affoltern do not bear responsibility for the hospital in the long term. “The continuation of the loss-making hospital represents for our city too great of a financial risk,” says Grötsch. Without a larger tax base increase, the planned Expansion of the hospital was not financially viable. In addition, you have to expect in the hospital in the future with increasing deficits.

The planned care centre, Sonnenberg is also not in the sense of the city Council. Since nursing homes are planned, it can be expected with the influx of needy seniors, for the Affoltern then had to pay. For the future of care, the city Council has other plans, as a new care centre in a Prime residential location. According to Galluser you want to invest in the home care and community nursing home Seewadel, “where we alone may determine”.

The city Council is aware of the implications of his Decision, aware. “Should the people of our opinion, that would be the end of the hospital,” said Grötsch. The largest employer is lost in the Knonauer office, and the approximately 700 employees would have to reorient itself. The city Council regrets, however: “We have to weight the Welfare of the residents is higher than the Welfare of the hospital staff.”

migration of staff

The hospital yesterday in a kind of shock like that. The woman at the reception shakes his head: “This is very bad for us.” And in the break room, the Care to sit with an empty Look in front of their coffee cups. However, the hospital Director Michael Buik don’t want to give up. The opinion of the city Council of Affoltern is not the opinion of the population. First, he had to reassure his staff and their emigration to prevent.

Harsh criticism Buik at city Council. It would not, for months, no exchange given more: “for me, This is not a partnership.” Buik is contrary to the city Council, which relates to dasfinanzielle risk. Of the upcoming investments, the municipalities would have to raise only 10 per cent: “no tax rate increase is necessary.” The city Council is over politicize the needs of the population, the wishes of a close to health care. In addition, the Hospital was less in deficit than from the city Council. So be budgeted for in 2018, a deficit of 1.7 million, and expected to be there but under a Million francs.

The trade Union SSP / VPOD criticized the city Council. He let the other municipalities in the rain. However, the trade Union repeated their criticism of the plans of the hospital. It was unrealistic from the outset, to plan with the strategic realignment of the hospital, a new building for 110 million Swiss francs.

Whether the population is still so closed behind the hospital, as 20 years ago, is uncertain. The Affoltemer has expressed Alt-Nationalrat Toni Bortoluzzi (SVP) recently to the plans of the hospital in doubt. At the end of the ‘ 90s, the hospital had Affoltern, the closure shaft under the Zurich regional hospitals over yet. Too strong had used the population for your hospital.

there is A risk. So it might happen that the Canton of Affoltern of the hospital sweeps list. I can understand that smaller municipalities do not want to enter into such a Venture. A quick end in this case is probably better than a slow Abserbeln.


Created: 12.02.2019, 22:39 PM