a Few days before the expiry of a period of time in the US budget dispute, the chances to avoid a further financial blockade are increased. Negotiators in Congress agreed on Monday on a compromise to the President, Donald Trump targeted border wall. Trump hinted the next day that he could sign the budget law, even if it remains significantly behind its claims.

“I don’t think there will be a further shutdown,” said Trump. Although the Compromise bill provides for only 1,375 billion dollars (approximately EUR 1.2 billion) for the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico – and thus significantly less than that of Trump so far requested $ 5.7 billion. However, the President hinted that he wanted to branch off additional money by bypassing the Congress from existing state posts.

the dispute over the wall billion was conducted between December and January to a five-week financial blockade for a part of the Federal authorities – the longest in the US history. Currently, a three-week transitional budget in which the point of dispute-the-wall financing is excluded. This Zwischenetat is due to expire on Friday. Should be adopted until then, no new budget law by the Congress and by the President to be signed, there would be a next “shutdown”.Trumnp

Trump: “The wall is already built”

The President commented on the between traders of his Republican party as well as the opposition Democrats, the compromise, although with the words: “I can’t say that I’m happy. I can’t say that I’m thrilled.” However, he also said: “The wall is already built.” He will obtain the necessary funds from “much less important areas”.

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to order How he could do this, but I was the President. He does not lock but, once again, that he might declare for the procurement of the wall-means the national emergency. “I’m considering everything,” he replied to a report of the question. Regardless of whether or not Trump, with or without an emergency Declaration for his wall project accesses other state posts, he would have to reckon with a tenacious disputes before the courts for his actions.

Trump said that he was “extremely unhappy” about the attitude of the Democrats in the budget – and wall dispute. Without the opposition party is not a household bring in on the way. Not only do the Democrats have since the beginning of the year, the majority in the house of representatives. Also, some of your votes are needed in the Senate. There, the Republicans have 53 of the 100 seats, for the budget laws are, however, needed 60 votes.

trump’s popularity ratings were dropped

trump’s already low popularity values were dropped during the recent “shutdown”. The five-week financial blockade led officials to the failure of many government services, as well as the salary payments for about 800,000 Federal as well as Deal with a number of private companies working for the government.

On the other hand, is Trump under the pressure of its core electorate and right-wing media commentators, in his Central election campaign of the border wall promise. The Fox News presenter and Trump Confided to Sean Hannity referred to the now in the Congress reached a budget compromise as “garbage”.

Trump had described on Monday during a visit to the Texas border city of El Paso the wall again as an essential Instrument against an allegedly by the illegal immigration the outgoing massive security risk. “Walls save lives, walls save an enormous number of lives,” he said. (AFP)

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USA compromise in the US budget dispute – no money for Trumps wall

Christoph von Marschall

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