“Rage against slöjbilden: ”RF like the violence in””

“several of the Swedish sports images, children of the veil.”

“Two large Swedish coaches are very critical of it.”

“– RF shows that they like and encourage hedersförtryck, genital mutilation, child marriage and honor violence, ” says Ulla Gustavsson, chairman of the Swedish swimming federation.”

“the Boy wearing the white t-shirt and denim shorts. The girl has black sweater and purple headscarf. They are participating on a picture from the school’s sports day for the students where they are situated, in parallel, and aiming with the rifles.”

“the Photo is posted of a distriktsförbund the past few years, has expanded its inkluderingsarbete to reach out to all. For them it is important to show the sports movement’s diversity.”

“– We have children with the veil of our business. It would be tilting in the wrong direction if you did not show it, ” says the president.”

“”Everything should not be displayed””

“not Everyone is of the same opinion.”

“When Ulla Gustavsson, the Swedish swimming federation’s president, saw the image, she wrote a critical post on Facebook. “

“– the Veil is a religious, political and sexist garment. In sweden’s national core values are equality important and the veil stands for something else. When such images are displayed normalizes the oppression, ” says Gustavsson.”

“There are many children in Sweden who play sports with the veil. Should not they get to be in the picture?”

“– No, they are actually not. Everything should not be displayed. They want to show girls with a migrant background, it can be done, but they have the veil on. Now shows RF they like and encourage hedersförtryck: female genital mutilation, child marriage, honor-related violence. It upsets me. Children need to be children.”

“”Gives other associations””

“it is not Possible to be a child in the veil?”

” No. In this case, I think that it is contrary to human rights. Is the veil a religious expression, you may select it after that you are over the age of 15 or 18 years, but RF should not show the children with the veil in one material. It is important.”

“Can’t it be the other way, that the image invites the child in the veil to play sports?”

” No. Veil can not be anything else than a sexualisation of the woman. It should not be displayed.”

“Ulla Gustavsson distinguishes between the issue of children with the veil to get the sport (it’s okay) and if they shall appear on the FOUNDATION’s images (it is not okay). She gets her quotes read, ”RF shows that they like the violence”, and stand by the wording.”

” Yes. They show a girl with veil and a weapon in his hand. I have seen similar in the slides and informational materials, no later than on the Riksidrottsforum (in november 2018). The RF must take greater responsibility. In addition, the image of the other associations that she has the weapon in hand.”

“– It allows you to question Lars Liljegren. “

“”A bad combination””

“Mars is a högdjur in american sports and has had positions in, inter alia, Riksidrottsstyrelsen and the Stockholm sports federation. He discussed the slöjbilden with Ulla Gustavsson and think that it has an obvious undertone.”

” If you forgot about the bright lintotten in the background, he looks like I did that small, can you believe that it is a rekryteringsannons for a militant organization. Somewhere it has failed overall in the rating. You have not made a mistake, but several, ” says Liljegren.”

“In what way, it looks like an ad for a militant organization?”

“– A little girl with veil shoot with heavy weapons. It is a bad combination. It is confusingly similar to a rekryteringsannons. It gives a very unpleasant impression.”

“we don’t See just a girl who plays sports?”

” I suppose she is in a sports club. But it gives the associations that I get very, very, very badly affected.”

“”the Alternative would be worse””

“the Chairman of the district authority read Liljegrens critical e-mails and told Sportbladet that she would go to the bottom of what happened. A moment later, the picture is deleted.”

“– It is not an end in itself to provoke the people. We want the images to feel like a part of the Idrottssverige, ” she says, and continues:”

“– If I had to draw on the map, I would say that all children should be without a veil if they want to. But the reality is not like that. The alternative would be then to not be with them in the business and does not reflect how it looks in real. It would be a worse alternative.”