Before the Supreme court in Madrid has begun the trial of twelve leading representatives of the Catalan independence movement. Nine of them, including the former Deputy regional President Oriol Junqueras, the result of the attempted secession of their Region from Spain to years of imprisonment for “Rebellion”. The defense spoke of a political process that “will take the Opposition to target”. The exile, who had fled former regional President Carles Puigdemont called for acquittals.

The defendants, some of which sit for more than a year in pre-trial detention and reject all the accusations vehemently, took in the crowded courtroom on four benches opposite the judge’s bench. On the first Day of the trial it should go first only to matters of procedure.

The process is expected to last three months, and will be broadcast live on television. Hundreds of witnesses are to be heard, including Spain’s conservative Ex-Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. With a verdict is not expected before July.

Puigdemont remains after his escape to the Belgian exile, a process saves, because the Spanish judiciary does not perform processes in the absence of the accused. At a press conference in Berlin, he denounced the “charges against the innocent, honorable people” and called for the acquittal of all the defendants.

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Puigdemont order: “For us, this is not a Rebellion, urns to set up”

“For us, this is not a Rebellion, urns to set up,” said Puigdemont with views of the by him in the year 2017 scheduled Referendum on the independence of Catalonia, the had the conflict between Madrid and Barcelona escalate.

The accusation of Rebellion in the procedure is controversial: According to the Spanish criminal law, Rebellion requires “” that violence is used or called for, at least, she was. While the Prosecutor’s office sees this as a given, is it disputed by the defense decided.

The defendant Carles Mundo called the accusation of the public Prosecutor “absurd”. It could see no violence, “like everybody,” he told the AFP. Defender Andreu Van den Eynde accused the authorities to respect the basic rights of the accused.

Puigdemont pointed out that a German court had declared his extradition to Spain on allegations of “Rebellion” is inadmissible. He was arrested in March under an international arrest warrant in the case of travel in Schleswig-Holstein, temporarily. The outcome of the proceedings, in Madrid, is now a “Test” for the Spanish democracy and the Spanish state of law, said Puigdemont.

The argument about Catalonia’s independence aspirations was escalated in October 2017, as the then regional President Puigdemont said one of the Spanish judiciary as illegal to be classified referendum, organized, and then the separation from Spain. The former Spanish Central government under Rajoy presented the Region as a result of forced administration, Puigdemont as a regional President and several independence supporters imprison.

protest rally in Madrid

The process against the Catalans split, now once again the country. The maximum penalty of 25 years in prison for “Rebellion” and the misuse of public funds, the Prosecutor’s office demanded for the former Deputy regional President Junqueras.

In Madrid, gathered on Tuesday leading Catalan politicians to a protest rally, including regional President Quim Torra, who was in the process on the spectator Bank. Independence supporters organized in Catalonia several road blocks and set car tires on fire. In Barcelona Pro-Independence camp for the evening (19.00 CET), called for protests.

Spain’s justice sees the process of international criticism. In an unusual step, Spanish embassies have informed on Tuesday in several European capitals Reporter and published “12 false statements about Spain”, in which they tried to put common statements from supporters of Independence.

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Spain against Catalan separatists begins in Madrid

Ralph Schulze

On Sunday, tens of thousands of people had headed a coalition of the conservative PP and the ultarechten Vox in Madrid against the left-wing government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez protests and a secession of Catalonia warned. Sanchez’s minority government is dependent on the adoption of the budget in 2019 by the Parliament on Wednesday in support of independence supporters. Should you refuse your consent, there could be early elections. (AFP)