Science In Egypt, archaeologists have found the skeleton of a 13-year-old girl discovered near a mysterious pyramid buried there. The girl was in the foetal position in the empty tomb of an ancient cemetery.

The pyramid near the cemetery, is about 4.600 years old – just like the girl – and is located in Meidoem, a place west of the Nile in Egypt. the

The girl was alone in the tomb, though the archaeologists in the rest of the tomb, what’s more attributes-including two dierenhoofden (probably coming from the bulls) and decorated vases. Probably going to be sacrifices, but for the young girl, destined, doubt the researchers. Further still were the remnants of a stone wall found. Probably separated that wall of the cemetery of the people clear from the potential tomb of the pharaoh.

Read also Archaeologists find skeleton of a young woman who is 3,700 years ago, died during childbirth Mysterious pyramid

The pyramid in Meidoem is often the subject of archaeological research. That research was just a tip of the veil lights. What archaeologists (almost) know for sure, is that the pyramid was built in command of the pharaoh Snefru. That pharaoh did during his reign no less than four pyramids, two large and two smaller. That there are exceptionally many. Archaeologists were still no concrete answer to the question of why he did that. With trial and error, tested the pharaoh is probably the best way to a beautiful tomb to build.

The pyramid of Meidoem seems that theory to confirm. The pyramid was first as a step pyramid built, the whole thus had the form of a staircase. The staggered views of the pyramid transformed over time to a ‘true pyramid’ with smooth surfaces which the stairs were built. Why and how that exactly happened is not clear.

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