The mayor calls for an end to the dispute on the Pankower Tor. All parties Involved must show a willingness to compromise – but in particular property owner, Kurt warrior. “On the part of the Investor need to get a clarity of what he wants and what he is willing to support”, said Michael Müller on Tuesday, when he made himself part of the “Pankow-Tour” of the Senate a picture of the planned construction project. But it is also the leading district of Pankow and the country would have to finally speak with one voice, “I have urges today in the Senate.”

Muller referred to the recent move by the Greens to build instead of the planned 2000 but 3000 apartments and more schools, and to dispense with the two shopping centres. “2000 homes is a decent size,” says Müller. Also he wanted more, “like, what is important is that it is now finally in the implementation”. He calls that’s why in the Senate, “that once again a round of the secretaries of state coming together and a compromise proposal worked out for you, hopefully the warriors can win”.

Pankow district mayor Sören Benn (Left) and district baustadtrat solid Kuhn (B’90/Greens) did Müller, the largest remaining points in dispute explain.

Great points of dispute ums goal: transport, education, housing

the traffic concept is There. “We are just in the process of the tender for the urban planning workshop process with warriors to vote,” said Kuhn. “The concept of mobility, he has been an Investor in order is not right with the traffic management have been coordinated.”

daily mirror people


It still needed to be revised once, otherwise you could not start the invitation to tender. The district wanted a car poor quarters, including the Radschnellwegs “Panke Trail”. Kuhn: “The Investor must be sworn, so I requested once again an appointment with the transport Secretary of state with him.”

The second point of contention, the shopping centers are. Warriors wool at the Berliner Straße, a 350-Meter-long, enclosed Mall. “We want an urban, mixed center, so it is not a Mall,” says Kuhn. Warriors have moved but a little, and now a “Wegwerfmall” offered: He wanted to build the shopping center, three residential towers with a total of 500 apartments. Kuhn: “He would be the designing so that you could tear yourself away, the shopping centre, perhaps at some point, and the residential towers remain standing.” Another possibility is that warriors have to rent in the Mall, there are also areas for socio-cultural purposes.

the furniture market in the Prenzlauer Promenade is the district a thorn in the eye. “You can talk again about whether he would like to build the furniture store there, really,” said Kuhn. “Maybe there are other ideas.” However, warrior has linked to the start of construction, according to Kuhn in the furniture market. Start of construction is at the earliest in 2023, the last of 2021.

school situation is highly problematic

to be Highly problematic school situation. The agreement in principle with the warriors only a primary school on the site. It was too little, said education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD): “The district does not need more, that’s good enough for the cover. The Plan had two primary schools and a secondary school.”

The comprehensive school, the district’s decision calls also by BVV, on the intended surface, however, is not feasible. Kuhn: “Either, warriors have waived the furniture store, or we create a further school on the Ostfläche.” There, the protected monument is roundhouse, the district is currently developing its own concept for a use. There is besides the school is also first ideas for a circus or trial stages, so Kuhn.

sand lizard and natterjack toad – “For God’s sake”

another Bauhemmnis the conservation of nature. “We have here the toad, the sand lizard and the cross,” said Kuhn. “We need conservation and a green corridor along the railway Embankment that also needs to in the invitation to tender.” It said Müller: “For God’s sake!”

It was not easy to resolve these points before the tender, said Kuhn. “We need a few more months.” However, it is right to clarify this now, agreed district mayor Sören Benn: “The Hard Facts to get in the tender, otherwise you can start later, with the winning design nothing. Especially the school place supply, and transport connections need to be clarified.”

it is Important that you find a compromise, stressed Müller, “and there is not always only a block and a halt from both sides”. On the question of whether the Senate is not going to drop the project because, he said: “I have offered six years ago as a Senator for urban development, at that time, the rejected, the Investor and the district. Now we have this unhappy Situation, I wish me, my offer would have been accepted.”


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After criticism of the Green “Pankower Tor”: the SPD at the end of the “cross shots”

Christian Hönicke

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