this Wednesday the teachers and educators are not at least in a traffic jam on the way to work: Verdi call for a warning strike in schools and day care centers. On Friday, the teaching staff can make up for the traffic jam time: Verdi call for a warning strike at the BVG. The claims are there, to understand: Who works good, also can live well. In the vicinity of the work site, what is in Berlin as we know, more and more difficult. The land is located opposite to the “rising cost of living”, with which, however, only the smallest part of the fruit in the Store, and the beer at the Bar, but for the most part, the cost of housing.

The number of those who’ll be forced further out, is rising and will continue to rise. You may complain, but most of all it is necessary to manage it. To be more precise: The policy needs to organize with the foreseeable increasing traffic flows, so that the people coming day after tomorrow to work.

In the just-released congestion Index, a traffic data provider to make it four in Berlin highways under the ten jam most prestigious streets in Germany. Seven minutes of time loss on Tempelhofer Damm and Mehringdamm in front of the Halle gate per day, on average, for example. This knowledge is good for long because the loss is averaged over the day, so the Few that come through at night with no traffic jams, as well as, the Many, the lose tags more time.

And yet, the example of how Berlin traffic remains technically up to its potential: The Cork in the specific case is a traffic light, one wonders why it is just green when the cross traffic is. The technology is certainly there, and you wish to a lot of other lights where the people are waiting much longer is pointless. The potential for improvements would be huge; far greater by the way than for Green waves in an amorphous growing city like Berlin, almost anywhere can be realized. However, that doesn’t change the uncomfortable truth is that the car traffic can’t grow for lack of space with the city.

Which brings us to the Alternatives. The S-Bahn is reflected, but the Job of the train driver and the BVG people has become harder: With the crush of the material and human wear and tear is increased. It is primarily a failure of policy that the SNB can only buy new subway cars, since the old fall apart. It would be also on the policy to have bus lanes rigorously open spaces: Without the loss of time due to incorrectly Parker won the BVG suddenly, dozens of buses and hundreds of drivers.

With better Management could be 19 years of win – per-day

Speaking of loss of time: If a Million people per day, would, thanks to a better traffic management ten minutes faster, would be won for 19 years – per day! This shows that the topic of transport planning cannot be taken seriously enough. Approaches there are, but still, progress is half-hearted.

Alone with the wasted potential in Cycling, because so many non-swing under the existing conditions, rather on the saddle! Who can blame them in view of traffic guides that may seem like an invitation to organ donation? If only half of those who abstain out of fear, would hop on a bike – the profit for the stuffy, dieselte city would be gigantic, and the BVG strike half bad.

Left – their most unpopular swim, bike, and view more images 1 of 621Polizeibeobachter20.12.2018 13:12Zugemüllte city. Since the days of this garbage mountain blocking a cycle lanes of bliss street in Wilmersdorf, although Bicycle activists…previous Next

The same applies to the number of pedestrians, the eternal fight at the lower end of the food chain – and the his way between wrong parkerizing and Radrowdys over-blown Mediterranean Islands. The Federal Minister of transport, nothing Better than blowing the pedestrians that electric scooter of the vegetables in the Chop, the police collected previously for the purpose of averting danger.

Since the Federal traffic creates problems instead of solving them, must Berlin be able to do it alone. Hard to imagine that this can be achieved. But it’s worth a try. To win it is the quality of life for all – and up to 100 percent of the voters vote for the person in charge.

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traffic-the capital city of Berlin Enjoys the jam!

Malte Lehming

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