warning, now it’s getting a little philosophical. Of the time it means that you lose waste, and get contact. But what is wasted time? Many would say, in a traffic jam. It was a waste of time. No leisure, no time, just pointless waste of time.

Berlin is Germany’s traffic jam capital. In the past year, the common motorists spent an average of 154 hours in the slow-moving traffic or traffic jam. This is a fluff piece compared to many other European and especially non-European cities. But what the thought of good is already in the distance when the front car and the Vorvorderauto and the Vorvorvorderauto have moved in a long time, not centimeters? Time is absolutely scarce, white people’s mouth, it can’t be bought, stored or saved. Who is in a traffic jam, apply the feeling to have no time time to waste.

In English, there is the counter-currency. “Take the time to waste a moment,” that is, freely translated: Take your time, to waste a little time. No importance or efficiency pressure, no pest issues sense or miss fears. Anyone who is suffering from congestion, will suffer from traffic jams. It’s that simple. After all, it is free to look inside to change the polarity, and to enjoy the time in a traffic jam.

anyone Who wants to, can listen to music full volume, the favorite piece of the same three times in a row. He can think about what it is that you can have some pieces of music, although you know them in and out, again and again, you can hear what happens when you read newspaper articles so rarely. Or listen to the Radio, reports from all over the world, in the Germany radio. Or a recording of the “anecdote to lower the working morale”. The parable from the year 1963 comes from Heinrich Böll. Briefly summarized, it goes like this:

In a small port on the Mediterranean sea is a fisherman in his boat and dawns. A wealthy Tourist comes over and asks the fisherman how many fish he had caught today. Not very many, replies the fisherman, he was with his catch satisfied. As a result, the Tourist is expecting of him, what he could achieve anything, if he go a second Time into the sea, so twice as much would be catching.

Soon he could buy a second fishing boat, other fishing set to get richer. “And then?” the fisherman asks. “In the end, you could retire and just at the port before you doze off,” says the Tourist. “I already know that now,” replies the fisherman.

Missed appointments, polluted air

wasted time can time given. Easy to say – but it is so difficult to make. Because traffic jams are just crap. Missed appointments, polluted air. It is of no use merely nothing to obsess about. Traffic jams are such as Abitur, stress, heartache or older to be a brutum factum, as the Latins say, an irrevocable life companion.

as long As no re-education mandatory, it will be decided on programs for motorists or complete bans, there will be traffic jams. Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. Whether sites or not, the BVG strike or not, rain or sunshine: The traffic jam, that’s for sure, in any case safer than the pension.

Comforting but is also this thought: In a traffic jam are all the same. The Minister, with the driver in the dark sedan got stuck, as well as the educators in his rickety duck. You can change as often as the track, in front or in the middle of anything, at the end of sedan and duck again side by side. To the death, there is hardly anything more Equitable than congestion. You make everyone the same.

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Public transport Berlin is a traffic infarction

Silvia Perdoni

Truly threatened by BVG strike on Friday, there are times which can be annoying to waste in a traffic jam. Bad texts to read, boring people to meet, versalzenes eat the food, Wagner listen, the list is long and longer. A reason to complain, of all things, about traffic jams, there isn’t anyway. 154 hours in a year, which is less than a half-hour of the day. The responsible motorist’s locker.