In the poll, which is conducted by Norstat for riskringkasteren, responds specifically, 36 per cent that they are positive for a new OLYMPICS. 32 per cent are negative, while just as many are uncertain.

Mayor of the city of which the last was OLYMPIC host in Norway, think the results are encouraging.

– It is more positive than I perhaps thought it would be. It is shared, but what I will say is common, says the Lillehammer mayor Espen Granberg Johnsen (Ap) to NRK. 25 years ago was his city for what the IOC described as “the best toys ever”.

– I see that young people, and people over large parts of the country, seeing that this is something that at one time may be good. It is a good starting point for further work, ” he says.

People are more positive to the OLYMPICS, if you use the existing sports facilities. It’s Johnson agrees.

– I mean a Norwegian OLYMPIC games should base themselves on the re-use and sobriety, and that one not use more money than is necessary. One should rather spend the money on a festival than large investments in expensive plants, says the mayor. the