An application form which on Tuesday was hung up in the cafeteria at Porsgrunn upper secondary school has in the past day created aggressive atmosphere in the school.

Via the application form it is intended that the young boys and girls should be able to get search russen to join in russebussene their, and therefore “roll” with russen as it is referred to as, type Telemarksavisa, which first publicized the case.


In the form, which is aimed at students born from 2001 to 2003. are young people asked to respond on how much they weigh, and whether they have sexual experience.

“the Virgin…?”, “Moderate” and “Experienced” are the answers.

They must also provide the full name, interests, class, school, favorittbuss and answer why russebussen to choose just them.

the Principal at Porsgrunn upper secondary school, Kai Magne Bråthen, became aware of the application form via social media. He says that the school’s leadership is handling the matter.

– I think it is reprehensible. Don’t think of how this can affect other people. I expect more of the 18-year-old students, ” says Bråthen to TV2.

He says it is too early to say what the consequences of the stunt will be.

A russebuss in Porsgrunn also laid out søknadsteksten on his Instagram account, but they reject that it is they who are behind it. Instagram-the post is now deleted, and instead, they have laid out a text, writes VG.

“that has arisen in media, we take complete distance from, then individuals ‘humor’ can’t define the values of the bus as a whole stands for. These individuals are been taken care of, and we apologize to those who have felt violated by this,” writes russen on Instagram.

Therefore wasting russen in the South Dagbladet Plus Russepresidenten: – Floating

Russepresident Henry Hansen is calling the stunt “totally unacceptable”.

I personally think stuff like that is embarrassing and poor on behalf of the medruss, the school and the students of the school. Russen do not need to know such information in any way, it is something I absolutely do not support, writes Hansen in an e-mail to Dagbladet.

He knows not of what was baktanken with the application form.

But I have heard others say that they have counterfeited the previous jokes similar to that. It all started the internal jokes, where someone is always going to take it a bit further and where this was the result. The application hung up for five minutes before it was taken down again, because they realized that it was wrong and they have, in retrospect, also apologized for the incident, ” says Hansen.

– Aggressive mood

After the application was spread in social media, and known to all at the school, both students and administration, the school has had meetings with several rivers to clear up the matter.

We have planned several meetings in the near future to discuss these events in more detail. At the same time, I think that this has rocked the school quite a lot, and it has also spread across the entire school in just a day. So I also think the youth know a little bit more of how powerful the internet is, and how quickly this spread further. There is a lesson in itself, writes Hansen.

According to him has the application form led to aggressive mood at school the last day.

– I think it surprised many, and it created many reactions. It is the form that has been the topic of conversation yesterday and today, and so, students have seen a little more involvement from the teachers at the school. It is clear that when so many newsrooms, bloggers, accounts in social media and TV involved, so it’s also talked extra much about in the vicinity, writes Hansen.

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