The Problem is not new: as soon As the annual surplus shall be distributed in the Berlin household, arguing the coalition partner of the SPD, Left and Green on it regularly, who can offer the most beautiful projects. All want to find it again, if the “special assets, and infrastructure of the Growing city” (Siwana), a new eligibility list is compiled.

This Time it goes to 650 million euros. However, Finance Minister Matthias Kollatz complained a week ago that the public administration would have logged requests in the value of three billion euros.

So, priorities had to be set. The suitable made Siwana-list from the financial management was distributed on Monday in the Secretary of state-conference and the group leaders of the SPD, Left and Greens to the knowledge given. It was, as reported, the 27 various Post of new fire-fighting vehicles on the rehabilitation of town halls to the purchase of metro cars and money for sample of the Free scene stages.

However, the greens and the Left do not want to accept this list because, in their opinion, “too much SPD” is in the project. In addition, the economic Senator, Ramona Pop (Green) is the new Siwana-assignment to little investment. “It can’t be adopted now through the back door from the decade of investment, and instead, consumptive expenditure, in the three-digit million amount announced,” she said to the daily mirror.

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Left criticized the method for Siwana-assignment

Against which proposals of this criticism is directed, as revealed by Pop. From the Green it was but heard that the start-up grant from the BVG vehicle financing company in the amount of 165 million euros was not accommodated in the normal budget, but in Siwana. Thus, the Green should be covered in the proportion of the list, apparently to a large extent, is accused of the social Democrats. Other “high-priority Green projects” had been ignored, it said. To do this, W-Lan in buses and trains and additional investments for pedestrians and cyclists.

Also, the Left criticized in the Senate session on Tuesday, the procedure for the Siwana-occupancy. “Different departments have made it clear that their priorities are not sufficiently taken into account,” said the city’s development Senator Katrin Lompscher (Left) after the Cabinet meeting. From their point of view, to give an example, urgent additional financing needs for the reconstruction of the airport building in Tempelhof. Culture Senator Klaus Lederer (Left) defendant, in turn, in the meeting of the Senate, that its culture would be projects.

Lederer wants more money for staff

in addition, Lederer Reportedly wants more money for staff. In the supplementary budget for 2018 was decided at the end of last year by the Parliament at the last minute, would get the Green much more than the Left. In addition, the culture is noted, Senator, that the Senate planned religion “house of One” at petriplatz, in the new Siwana list of 10 million euros, had not been of his administration logged in. The governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD), countered the criticism of the two coalition partners, according to participants, with the note that the Senate list of internal negotiations on the new Siwana long run. The state’s secretaries in order to clarify such conflicts in advance.

The mood in the Cabinet was pushed back. Possibly a correction of the list will be discussed on Thursday in the Senate exam. On Monday the group heads to negotiate the correction of the desires of the Left and Green as final. Then the Senate could decide the fifth installment of Siwana next Tuesday. Since 2015 have collected 3.7 billion euros in the large pot.

More about

infrastructure Fund Siwana 650 million for the Berlin infrastructure

Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach

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