CDU Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has rejected the bulk of the social policy plans of the SPD. The proposals for qualification, you can talk to “you again,” said Kramp-Karrenbauer on Monday evening in the ARD”Tagesthemen”. All others see “very critical”, in particular, that “support and Challenge as the principle is abandoned a good part of the way”.

The SPD, the social state concept provides for less sanctions for Hartz IV recipients to support violations, and a longer reference to the higher unemployment benefits for older unemployed, and more targeted training. After 58 years, it should be according to the will of the social Democrats up to three years of unemployment benefit I, to reward long-standing depositors, and to close the justice gaps in the System. SPD Leader Andrea Nahles, defended the project.

Kramp-Karrenbauer said in the ARD, they question why someone who “works every day with its taxpayers’ money to someone to support, in solidarity, we demand once more that he takes on reporting obligations or the obligation to participate in measures true.” The CDU leader stressed that this difference of opinion was “no noise”, and will also lead to the premature end of the coalition. On Wednesday evening you meet the top of the CDU, CSU and SPD, to a meeting of the coalition Committee. The CDU had announced to bring the SPD plans there.

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CDU-workshop discussion of the direction In which Kramp-Karrenbauer, the CDU moved

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Nahles reiterated in the ZDF, the break of the SPD with the Hartz-IV-System. The unemployed should experience the state as a “Partner and not as someone controlled you,” she said in the “today journal”. On the question of how the basic pension could be implemented with the coalition partner, she replied: “We insist that it is implemented, as we need to talk about, of course.” The proposals for the new citizens of money and the extension of the unemployment benefits, were “first, a positioning of the SPD”. (dpa)

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