Do you know how much interest and costs you pay lainoistasi every month?Loan, the pooling can get savings up to hundreds of euros a month. Mostphotos

would you like To get every month, for example, 200 million more money? Who wouldn’t want to. Amount can be put aside, it may delight the family or even pamper themselves.

But have you ever thought that you might use that money to miss every month to pay your consumer loan interest rates and costs? Surprisingly many finns, namely, the payment pienlainoistaan higher interest rates than they actually need.

consumer credit and installment plans are convenient ways to finance larger purchases, which are not able to pay at once. But if these small credits will begin to accumulate more, should your economic situation to go through and consider the loan combination.

Merge is a question that many small loans are paid off with one bigger. The consolidation of the loans of the mfi through reduced monthly payments one of three ways:

1. Save loan costs

First, the one bigger loan needs to pay only one loan hoitokulut, which can be, for example, five euros per month on each loan. In this example, calculated on the four small credit merge into one bigger loan would save only loan treatment costs 15 euros a month.

2. You can get a smaller interest rate

Secondly, together with the larger loan is also usually lower interest rate than small. Therefore, the monthly repayment along with the interest payable amount is relative lower when the loan is or one.

3. To find the best possible offer

in Addition, if you want to get a loan for the lowest possible interest rate, it’s not worth raising anywhere. Various banks in interest rates is surprisingly large differences, and therefore the tendering of importance, especially when it is intended to save money.

Just this arduous tendering work of the Finnish loan broker Mfi makes on your behalf. You can get it through a loan of up to eur 70 000.

to make your loan application to the financial institution site, the competition to service its up to 25 banks. You do not need to do anything other than use a few minutes of application.

the Possible offers you will get Your money institution-service, and you can explore them at their leisure. The applicant does not yet bind you to raise the loan, but you get to decide whether to accept someone’s offer.

See how much you can save every month! Apply for a loan from the mfis – it doesn’t cost anything, and does not commit you to anything.