“Threw the 11-year-old daughter from a boat – is sentenced for abuse”

“A 46-year-old man threw his eleven-year-old daughter in the water from the family’s sailboat in the harbour in Lomma, sweden. “

” Now sentenced the father for the assault, writes the Skånska Dagbladet. “

“It was on 8 september of the father after a conflict with his daughter and lifted her over the railing and threw her overboard. “

“After the incident should the father have passed down over the deck and the girl who was not able to take themselves out of the water, got the help of a man and a woman who was on a boat which lay moored a few metres away.nVattendjupet at the site is approximately two metres, the distance from the surface of the water to the dock is 1.5 meters and the water temperature was at the time eight-ten degrees, writes the Skånska Dagbladet. “

“the district Court finds that the girl has been cooled and is shocked and hurt. The conclusion is that the man acted in bestraffningssyfte and that his actions were both offensive and dangerous. Thus convicted, he for the ill-treatment of normalgraden, to probation with 50 hours of community service. The father shall also pay 8 700 sek in damages to the daughter.n”