“Therefore, the is IS not defeated – what you hear”

“Sure we have heard it right many times at this point.”

“That IS waging its last battle, and soon is defeated.”

“A word of advice: do not Believe that the group has become harmless.”

“Undoubtedly it is so to the Islamic state lost the caliphate that 2014 declared in the areas it occupied in eastern Syria and Northern Iraq. Not much remains of the successful terrorarmé that with the speed of lightning took an area nearly as large as the united kingdom.”

“In a way it is a good four-year-long war against the ICE which is coming to an end. And yet, not.”

“The conflicting images may be due to that it is no different on the ICE as a terrorist group and the military army. Military slagstryka, they have lost much of its force. However, the liver IS terrorideologi on and the group still has the capacity to carry out acts of terrorism. Not least because very few acts are planned centrally. Instead, build group strength to followers around the world acting on their own.”

“I have seen a number of different calculations on how many ICE-warriors who are left in Syria and Iraq. The united states and the united nations spoke in July 2018, if as many as 30 000 while the american soldiers quoted in the Washington Post talking about a maximum of 10 000. According to the kurdish forces SDF are there a few thousand in Syria. If even that.”

“One of the difficulties is that some of them who are fighting for IS trying to blend in among civilians. In the chaos that prevails in the area can they escape and regroup at new locations. The evidence suggests that IS now, when they no longer have any territory to defend more and more shifting to guerrilla warfare. It gathers itself to occasional attacks recently against an american base in Iraq. Or engage in assassinations and kidnappings.”

“Without the caliphate, the group has lost in attractiveness, but it does not mean that the recruitment process completely stalled. There are many unemployed young men in the Middle east who are still attracted by the group’s ideology of bringing together all the world’s muslims in a kingdom under strict islamic laws. The dream is not dead.”

“ICE has warrior in countries such as Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Afghanistan and Yemen. Almost all states with weak or non-existent central governments which the islamists can gain a safe haven.”

“Money doesn’t seem to be any problems. Contributions continue to pour in from wealthy sympathizers in the arab world.”

“in Contrast, seems to travel from Europe by radical islamists who want to fight for the ICE to have stalled almost completely. Secondly, Turkey has put a stop to the traffic, secondly, it is not equal. ”

“the Threat against the west is still there.”

“Still return the ICE warriors to their home countries in Europe where they represent a threat as potential terrorists. Europe, security services have become better at identifying these individuals, but at the same time, they are so many that it is impossible is possible to monitor them around the clock.”

“the Work is partly evident in the increasing number of terror attacks säkerhetspoliserna say they have averted, even if they are rarely possible to verify these claims.”

“the ICE methods are now well known, the vigilance is greater in both the police and the general public. Something that also made it more difficult for prospective the IS-terrorists to act. We see a sharp decline in the number of people dying in a terrorist attack compared to a few years ago.”

“the Deed is carried out regularly. At the end of last year, a lone gunman at the christmas market in Strasbourg and killed five. In Morocco, was murdered two scandinavian tourists for a hike in the mountains.”

“It may be worth remembering that ICE was defeated already in 2011, but moved its operations from Iraq to Syria, and became the biggest threat to the west from al-Qaeda managed to carry out their terrorist acts in the united states in 2001.”

“To figure out this type of opponent is always dangerous.”