The published schedule of the US President, Trump makes for discussions. Because a lot of mornings are available for free, Trump clarified urged: He work more than all its predecessors.

After a U.S. news website had published the schedule of President Donald Trump, is defending Trump against criticism. “I work probably more hours than almost all previous presidents,” wrote Trump on Twitter.

The news page, Axios had recently released internal schedules Trumps from the past three months, which it had been from a source in the White house. Around 60 percent of the recorded time is therefore unstructured “Executive Time”, so in your free time. Trumps first date was on most days until 11 or 11.30 PM. The schedules provided particularly in the case of Trump-critical of the media for ridicule.

time for a hairstyle, and complexion?

arise If this formulation, work it usually and not have a rest, wrote Trump. With views of the hairstyle and the complexion of the President had previously asked about CNN mocking, whether or not the Trump do the hair in the hours before the first appointment to be a hair or tanning cream orders. Trump criticized, the media had a positive and not a negative impact on the schedules of the reports.

Axios had reported, the early risers Trump is often before 6 a.m. awake. To 11 at the Trump was not in the office, the report says. The President occupied with TV and Newspapers. Then he reacts to what he see and read, and to call on such as a consultant, friends, or members of Congress. Often Trump sends in the Morning, also Twitter messages in the world.

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Trumps unconventional style of government makes it difficult to define where the boundary between leisure and work. Nevertheless, it appears very questionable whether Trump really works more than most of his predecessors. Known Trumps is Exaggerations of the slope and to the self-praise.

According to Axios, the schedule for Trumps was fully booked predecessors over a number of months – for example, in the case of George W. Bush. Barack Obama have had on a typical working day six Meetings.

Trumps acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney announced that it is looking for the Person who had collected the schedules of Trump and more. “I hope that we will have this week a solution.” About 400 people had access to the dates.

Trump does not want to be considered as lazy – “No President worked more than I”
Martin Ganslmeier, ARD Washington
11.02.2019 14:46 PM

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