the Police of the county will impose John Høsflot Klæbo a conditional sentence for påkjørselen he forsårsaket on the Chapter in Trondheim, norway, in December of last year.

In a press release from the Trøndelag police district, writes the police that they sends the indictment to the South-Trøndelag district court, with the assertion of the conditional imprisonment.

“the Prosecution will at the transmission to give an account of his perception of what is proper punishment, and will suggest a shorter conditional sentence.”, enter the police in the press release.

Klæbo has already taken on himself all the blame for the collision, and the case will go as tilståelsessak for the district court.

It means that Klæbo must meet in court 6. march, three days after the femmila in the world cup, and to explain themselves to the court.

Confiscated driver’s license

When John Høsflot Klæbo dundret in a Opel Insignia from the rear of the Chapter in the middle of December, they went first messages that none of those involved had received some serious damage.

– I can confirm that John was involved in a rear-earlier in the day. After what I know has it gone well with all involved. There is not any serious damage, fortunately, said Klæbos father, Håkon Klæbo, to Dagbladet.

In the car Klæbo ran into, sat a pregnant woman and her 35 year old boyfriend. They had stopped in front of a pedestrian crossing to let a 12 year old girl across the road, and their car was pushed into the girl as a result of the collision.

Klæbos driver’s license was temporarily confiscated at the scene of the accident.

Serious case

the Accident is seen as so severe, that Klæbo must meet in the district court in the spring.

” We believe the matter is so serious that it can’t be settled with a fine, said Ms Evjen Olsen, politiadvokat in Trøndelag police district, to the Impulses when they took out the indictment against Klæbo Friday last week.

Therefore, also tells the påkjørte samboerparet for the first time about what happened to VG.

– We have nothing uoppgjort with Klæbo. He admitted fault at the scene of the accident and that he shall have “cred”. Now it becomes a case in court and then there will be mention of what happened. We believe that when it first to be written about this, is it okay for all that the coming forward is correct. Hopefully we avoid in the way of speculation, ” says the 35-year-old man to the VG.

Run away in the ambulance

According to the påkjørte, Klæbo have explained that he stepped on the gas instead of the brake when samboerparet stopped for 12-year-old.

the Impact must have been powerful, told witnesses to Dagbladet after the accident. Klæbos car should have been towed away a short time after the collision.

Klæbo must meet in court

According to the indictment against Klæbo, the car he drove had a speed of 39 kilometers an hour when he crashed into the car in front.

Also samboerparets car should have been scrapped after påkjørselen. 35-year-old told VG that he feared it was happened something with the child in the samboerens stomach, but that it should have gone well.

My partner and skolejenta were driven away in ambulances. I even went home to my daughter, but went in the afternoon to the emergency room to get documented any injuries, he says to VG.

At St. Olavs hospital in Trondheim, he shall have been ascertained two fractures in his back, and has been on sick leave up until now.

Håkon Klæbo type in a text message to VG that they do not have any comments to the matter, and that they relate to the process the prosecutor is running to his son John.

Here is the entire program for the ski world CHAMPIONSHIPS in Seefeld 2019