A book by Ex-interior Minister de Maizière is causing a stir among CSU politicians. Successor Seehofer rejects Comments on the refugee crisis as “objectively wrong”. Bavarian local politicians talk of “nonsense”.

Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) is with the designs of his predecessor Thomas de Maizière (CDU) on the refugee crisis in 2015 will not agree. He know whose new book “Rule. Interior views of the policy”, although not in the Original, said Seehofer, the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. The representation of de Maizière, as they will spread in the media, but it is “objectively wrong”.

Seehofer added, it’s not one of the “good style”, that an incumbent Minister review the policy of his predecessor in public. “The Reverse is also advisable.”

Seehofer had criticized the refugee policy under Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) at the beginning of 2016 in an Interview as “the rule of injustice”. Against this accusation, de Maizière held in custody in his book explicitly. He had decided on 2015 as the Minister of the interior, asylum seekers at the border to Austria, not to dismiss. The legal position in relation to the refoulement of refugees was not at that time been clear, writes the Ex-Minister of the interior, according to media reports. To confirm the decision of a Minister, in retrospect, with the allegation of the breach of Law, “ehrabschneidend”, de Maizière, quoted.

Bavarian CSU politician criticized indignant

Because of his book CSU politicians: Ex-interior Minister de Maizière

In de maizière’s book also States: “Particularly the local rejected political leaders in Bavaria, a registration in the border area, and insisted that the refugees without registration, which will take place in each case 30 to 45 minutes, to be immediately distributed.”

The Deggendorfer district administrator Christian bernreiter (CSU) dismissed as “nonsense”. Of course, you’ve tackled, first and foremost, and helped, as every day, 6,000 to 10,000 refugees via the green line had come from, he said the “Münchner Merkur”. “But it was only on the instigation of my district colleagues, registration is advised at all in orderly lanes,” added Bern rider.

Rosenheim member of the German Bundestag Daniela Ludwig (CSU) told the newspaper, Bavarian local politicians “had to pay for months of the consequences of non-action by the competent Berlin responsible”.

refugees in September 2015 at the Central station in Munich

“We have all of the moods forward”

Since Sunday, the Union tried, in the two-day “workshop talks” the refugee crisis to deal with because of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), at the time, was under great pressure. Both Merkel and de Maizière are not part of it.

On the edge of said de Maizière, but in the “picture”show “The right questions” on the subject and said: “In hindsight, you will say, the preparation was overall good enough.” All of the media and the policy – would have “moods”. In September 2015, “as the people stood at the train stations, and clapping, as all the refugees were Holy”. After the new year’s eve with the Attacks in Cologne “were all refugees rapist”.

The refugee crisis but no Trauma of the CDU, said the former Federal Minister of the interior. The “workshop talks” of the party are well and the new party Chairman is the use of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. “She is more free than the previous party Chairman Angela Merkel, who was in the centre of the decision.”

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