AVSKJEDSFORESTILLINGEN to Aksel Lund Image could not have been more beautiful. A couple of days after the utforrennet in the world cup, it happened last Saturday in Are just even more amazing. For how was it possible that the two best mates on the Norwegian team in the Aksels last spring got to stand klint joined on the podium by just two hundredth of a second distance? And it with Kjetil Jansrud; he that will run on, located at the top.

Perhaps there was a little of this magic of friendship that got the Shaft to talk more about it with friendship, community and team beyond Saturday night. In fact, much more. On seiersfesten lasted his speech in a long time, and the message was not to be mistaken.

Now, he will have 15 million of skikameratene their. Then take the other stars rest

The unprecedented dense Norwegian alpinmiljøet just had to be taken care of now that he stopped.

IT Shaft not said, was that just this treningsfellesskapet in the middle during the world cup is more threatened than ever. The abdication alpinkongen is wise to it. It must be said, he takes internally.

Where there has until now been no doubt:

The challenge to the community, has been put in place of the oldest in the group. Of the Shaft (36) and Thomas (33); and Aleksander Aamodt Source (26).

It was what happened in the summer of 2017 during the preparations for the Pyeongchang OLYMPICS when slalåmvidunderet Henrik Kristoffersen was banned from the national team. Outwardly came the exclusion on the grounds that he refused to sign a new contract with the Norwegian ski federation, but it was most of all the rest of the national ski team that would have him away. They had been tired of that he took no responsibility to strengthen the Norwegian treningsmiljøet

the CONFLICT ended with Henrik out in the autumn wrote under the landslagskontrakten. But first and foremost, he asked his teammates about the excuse. It meant that everyday life was better last winter.

Now it is worse than ever.

And it does not live national ski team. Neither in terms of profit or purely human.

FOR to understand what community means for this particular sporting success, holding it with a bit of knowledge about the history and the medals and stuff like that. Norwegian alpinsport had been pretty mediocre internationally in many decades of years when Ole Kristian Furuseth fought their way up in the world in slalom absolutely last in the 1980s.

the world cup is over for Kjetil Jansrud: “It is kjipt to realize

This new progress was built around a shared commitment. It happened partly by help from the new olympia top where Finn Aamodt, trenerpappaen to Kjetil Others, gradually became important also for the development in several sports. Cooperation in the olympia top in the last years, contributed to the Uk technological characterise both treningsarbeidet and konkurransetaktikken in the sport. But most have this overwhelming development come because of the tight community in alpingjengen where knowledge generously has been transferred to ever new talents.

Thus because of the human factor.

Austria and Switzerland cries after the Norwegian alpinrevolusjon: – What in the world driver Norway?

SO was the success of the comrades Kjetil Other Aamodt and Lasse Kjus not only their bit, but the foundation for equal chances of progress for all that visit was made. The dense, private was anything critical shared because the social and sporting framework was snekret so.

And soon thirty years later to a new vennepar together on the podium in Åre.

GET know better than Kjetil Jansrud and Aksel Lund Image why they ended up there. What has given them the insight, discipline and treningsgleden,and not least the belief that all this beauty will last no matter who that may add up. Or as Axle said it in even one of the many avskjedsintervjuene its:

– In Norwegian alpine skiing, there is no enkeltutøver that is larger than the community.

He said it to tone down its own significance; to ensure the home sportspublikummet that there would be new medals, although the largest in the last generation had stopped.

ABOUT you look at the results, would like that comfort may be unnecessary. For the Norwegian medaljeoversikten in the world cup speaks for itself.

Through all the years before this Norwegian alpinrevolusjonen we had only won 5 world CHAMPIONSHIP medals in the sport. The first was taken by hopplegenden Birger Ruud in the combination in 1934; all of the other of the equally legendary Stein Eriksen.

Then turned it all:

After that alpingutta themselves decided how they should behave towards each other in the group, Norway has taken the 38 world cup medals . Absurd that he still needs 15 million from skikameratene their

In the course of this period is a langrennsnasjon been an alpine state on the men’s side. It is extremely well performed, with respect to how narrow the sport really recruit in a winter wonderland where several other snøidretter have received far greater attention.

On the basis of these results, it is hardly to believe that someone bothers to challenge the success that this treningsmiljøet together have built.

But that is exactly what Henrik Kristoffersen do, by reserving the right to concentrate most about themselves.

the DIVIDE in the national ski team between Henrik and the rest is not about the trial about commercial rights, which is on hold until march, even though the other guys have to pay if Kristoffersen wins the fram with the requirement of 15 million in damages from the Norwegian ski federation.

Source of information about Kristoffersen-noise: – He has changed much in one year

In this reklametvisten have slalåmstjernen purely in principle, the support of, for example, Aksel Lund Image, but this is much more than the individual practitioner’s income opportunities. It comes treningshverdagen for all.

It is the Henry challenged as late as in Kitzbühel right before the world cup, after a season with a number of their own disappointments turned the criticism against the team:

– We must go in ourselves all along, ” he said.

Even on a completely Norwegian slalåmlag who have worn, caused the invitation to irritation. Together with Aksel Lund Image, Kjetil Jansrud and the other fartsgutta, they experience a slalåmstjerne who believes he fortjenter privileges because of the sky-high level.

It is the complete opposite of the Norwegian way of thinking that has given such strong results over the last thirty years, and it is destroying not only for the slalåmlandslaget to-day do not get the full benefit of their stars. Henry’s attitude also challenges the holy of holies in the whole of the alpine treningsfellesskapet.

FOR særtrekket by the Norwegian national ski team has been that no one has any extra benefits. All to provide for the community day in and day out. Over time, it is the setting that makes the training most effective for all.

Amazed at the Norway OLYMPICS: – We will not have assholes on landslagene our

such thinking commits. It allows Aleksander Aamodt Source will be heard when he has reminded both the Image and Jansrud of what the rest of the team expected of the two stars. There’s no escape. This is seriously:

– We believe that there is a good explanation of why you need to be a prick to become a top athlete. We will simply not have such people on landslagene our, explained Kjetil Jansrud a baffled verdenspresse under the Norwegian success in the last OLYMPICS.

It was very clear speech.

AFTER , the turmoil in Kitzbühel, it is again up to Henrik Kristoffersen to take the consequence of that standard if he will take it ok on the national team. Now he has not so much more to go on, and he knows the pressure:

I don’t know what to say, anyway, it is just noise and trouble about it, he stated to Aftenposten a few days after his own criticism of the Norwegian treningshverdagen.

in the Midst of a winter where other slalåmkjørere is come closer up to the sovereign Marcel Hirscher than our man, Henrik is frustrated. But it is to correct. At least outside of the trail.

FOR even in all this progress has never this great national ski team consisted of superhumans. Just of the fit smart and the usual friendly athletes who have realized that it serves all to serve each other.

Large worse, it is also not for Henrik Kristoffersen to resolve this painful conflict.

The Norwegian alpinlaget cracks: – Now, it is only to skvære up!