Career The world wide web is full of self-made women: bloggers, vloggers, appontwikkelaars … This week, we will pose some quick questions to contentcreator and founder of Koaren, Karen François.

1. How it all started?

“With the totebag ‘Aladdin without the d is also but Alain’. My good friend Piet Van De Velde invented the Alain-mop at a cafe. Then I wrote them with textielstift on a bag. More and more people sent me that they also have such a bag wanted to, so we’ll have that brought into production. Et voilà! #Business.”

2. Your merchandise is now in the shop for A Better Blend. It Is the intention to organize your stuff still other shops to distribute or to ever own a shop to open?

“That intention is there for sure. I made all of postkaartjes of myself, lying, ” do you See me in your store. In addition, I would like to have a pop-up store and a vending machine in the Central Station want, with all the ‘I want to go home ” -merchandise for commuters. Now the city of Antwerp and the nmbs / SNCB are still convinced!”