on Tuesday I discovered that the Extra Blade had put a little focus on my post, which was published by Politiken.

– It is lovely.

– But when I read the comments, I noticed that there had been created some misunderstandings, and that there was asked some questions, like some came with the calls for me.

– It is cool that there are many who participate in the debate – whether there are many who will want something, I do not like.

I will here with this post to clarify some things and answer some of the specific issues, since I believe that the debate must continue.

– the First misconception. Thus, it is not me who has lived in Denmark for 20 years and who do not speak Danish yet.
– I have so far only been achieved three years of stay in Denmark, but what I wrote about is all about, that there is someone who has resided in the country for 20 years, and has used me as an interpreter, since I had lived in Denmark for 2,5 years. the

Problematic to people who have been here 20 years no Danish

It is deeply problematic that the people who have been in 20 years can speak Danish after 20 years, but one must also take into account that many are traumatized, and thus their memory is not to keep the Danish language in a long time. the
– If you have lived here a long time, without having to learn English with willingness, so, I think that you should be sanctioned, but if you work your butt out of the pants with the language without the succeed the person to learn English, so must have the understanding of it.

– That was written repeatedly that I have to go home and help rebuild Syria.
– first, I’m not a craftsman, and I am not a graduate, so I don’t know how I can help to rebuild Syria again.

– I have not some experience with bygningsprocesser or something like that, so the journey to Syria is not something for me.

– secondly, I want me one thing right now. the
– I want people to realize that one’s background may not be essential for one’s permanent place of residence. the
– Just because I’m born in Syria, so it does not mean that I forever must stay in Syria.
– I fled, incidentally, is also not from the war, but I’m here because I have a need for protection due to personal security reasons.

– In the respect that there is something that amazes me.

– Just because you are called ’refugee’, it is as if you call the person a temporary citizen.

– If it is true, that the refugees must go out when no longer needed for protection, then should the government not to use so many resources and means to integrate refugees, and make it mandatory for them to be a part of the community.

– In Denmark, is the reality that one – when one gets asylum status – to participate in the integration process and thus learn the Danish language and participate in the labour market. It can be in the form of internship or regular employment. And the moment you do not wish to participate in the integration process, so there are economic consequences.

– So there is a strong signal from Denmark, you must be a ’part of us’. the
Excuse me, but if the intention is to send us out on a later date, why should we then be made to the danes?

– But no matter what, so is it unfair that people attack me because I’m a high school student.

– Some writes that I have taken a uddannelsesplads for a dane, but what is it that satisfies you who are attacking me?

– Should I just sit at home on the couch and receive the cash assistance?

– If you don’t work and speak Danish, then you are samfundsnasser, but if you speak Danish and are working, so take one of the danes jobs.

– What is the most important thing in the end? Is it not important that we find a common solution in the past, we can live with for the rest of his life, ending Mohamad, who has sent a lookup from its own Facbook-with. What you can see below.