Donald trump’s speech on the state of the Nation has been internationally recorded, the majority negative. He had played the reconciler, but in truth his own election campaign started, it was called.

it looks Totally different in his home. Trumps words to Bipartisanship, cooperation and compromise were the majority. In a survey conducted by the TV-channel CBS News, the U.S. President received 76 percent approval. And CNN, three quarters of the respondents reported that their reaction to the speech was very positive or rather positive.

This may come as a surprise to the first Moment, but it reveals, once again, that Trump of the Americans is sometimes perceived differently than in other countries. Although he is in the U.S. population is also very controversial. Not all of his decisions, but bad, as a survey by the prestigious Pew Research Center shows. We have compared the findings of the opinion research Institute with a number of other surveys on the public mood in the United States.

immigration and the border wall

There are the issues which are the columns of the American Public the most: the United States has a Problem with illegal Immigration? It needs on the border with Mexico a wall, as President Donald you Trump calls? Here, the opinions go far apart. Most of the Republican followers believe that only one fastening along the entire border, can guarantee the security of your country. Most Democrats deny that there is ever a security problem.

Overall, a clear majority of Americans against the wall, as different survey. According to the Pew Research Center there are currently, 58 per cent. Different opinion research institutes such as Gallup, even on a 60 per cent rejection.

According to the survey by the Pew Research Center, many of the Trump holding for not able to make rational decisions in immigration policy. In addition, 6 out of 10 Americans still believe that immigrants enrich the country by their labor and Talent.

Whether Trump with his strong focus is on Immigration, in principle, the nerve of the population, is controversial. According to the news Agency AP, the immigration is high on the priority list of Americans. 49 percent want to be, therefore, that the government this year to take care of it. In a similar survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, there are even 51 percent. However, many topics are here as even more important are classified as the Immigration.

70 per cent find that their President and Congress in the current year, first of all, the economy should be. Almost the same high priority is given to the cost of health care and education. Also, U.S. health insurance, Medicare and the environment are considered more important than Immigration.

the economy and trade dispute

the economic development for the majority of the highest priority, enjoys, plays Trump in the cards. The US President has seen since taking office two years ago, a strong upturn of the domestic economy and create new Jobs. This was also reflected in various surveys.

In November 2018 was more than convinced that half of the Americans of Trumps economic policy, such as, for example, a survey by the Quinnipiac University shows. A majority attributed the upswing Trump and not his predecessor, Barack Obama. The Shutdown, so the temporary closure of the US Federal administration, provided, however, that the optimism of the population has in the meantime cooled down again, such as, among other things, the “New York Times” and the TV channel Fox News to write. The survey values Trumps in a row.

Still, 40 percent of Americans according to the Pew Research Center that its President has improved the economic position of the United States. Only 28 percent feel the opposite.

half of Americans also finds that Trump good economic policy decisions. In addition, the way is perceived, how the US President is in negotiations with other countries, many positive. From the point of view of a majority Trump trade agreements that are beneficial for the country agreed.

As a boomerang could prove to be for Trump to various polls, according to the trade dispute with China. Many Americans, he imposed punitive tariffs hold to be harmful for the US economy. According to Axios, 53 percent think that the trade dispute has a negative impact on Jobs in the United States.

Even more headaches Trump is likely to have a collection of Reuters news Agency, is preparing This suggests that a majority of voters in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – all American rejects-the Federal States in the so – called rust belt, where Trump brought 2016 decisive votes in the presidential election-duties.

foreign policy

The trade dispute with China affects not only the economy but also the foreign policy of the United States. Here the Americans, their President is not a good testimony. According to CNN, trump will find foreign policy decisions currently, only 40 percent approval. In a recent AP poll, 63 percent said that they agree with it, as your President, international Affairs.

53 percent of Americans fear that their country could worsen in the world this year. For example, because the US is pulling out of Syria. According to the Pew Research Center has divided the population, whether that was the right decision. Almost half supported but Trumps action.

65% do not believe, however, that, in principle, Trump has a clear Plan to deal with the Situation in Syria. A survey by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs revealed that 66 percent of Americans Trumps decision will be miss, the nuclear deal with Iran aufzukünden.

health care

health care is high on the priority list of Americans. Not only because it is a question of the expenditure of each individual household, but also because reforms are needed. 61 percent of Americans told Politico that it was “very important” that Trump will give his plans for the improvement of the health system are known. Of the border wall with Mexico, a majority likes to hear but nothing more.

According to the Pew Research Center three-quarters of the voters demand that the President and the Congress deal with this year with the theme. A lot more people to trust the Democrats in Congress to be able to change something.

When it comes to new Figures from Gallup, time is short. Thus, 13.7 percent of the population currently not insured, the highest number in four years.

the environment and climate change

Donald Trump denies climate change and has already met so many people in front of the head. According to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, more than two-thirds of the population are against the withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. In their view, the government is doing too little to combat climate change and to the General protection of the nature. A clear majority think, therefore, that the Democrats in Congress have a better approach to the subject than Trump, says the Pew Research Center.

The Americans want more involvement in environmental issues. Various surveys such as the Yale and George Mason University came recently to the conclusion that you are now much more worried about the climate than even before trump’s presidency. This has to do with the policy, but also with extreme weather conditions and environmental disasters, such as an AP survey shows.

The mentioned poll by Politico shows that a majority wishes to hear from Trump more about the fight against climate change. In the President’s speech on the situation of the Nation, this issue came to a word, which infuriated the Democrats. They have announced to put the Republican exiles issues such as climate change and gun violence back on the Agenda.

cooperation with Democrats.

Not only the environment, but in almost all areas, the gap between Republicans and Democrats is currently large. The two camps put their priorities completely different and insist on their positions. Since then, the Democrats have taken the majority in the house of representatives, the situation has worsened again.

the climax of the power struggle was the Shutdown, a result of the political operation in Washington in December and January during weeks. Almost two-thirds of Americans do not believe, therefore, that the Trump is capable, efficient, with the Congress to cooperate.

This is the Public of the constant political power struggles of the suffering. Most Americans wish for a better cooperation between Trump and the Congress just do not believe in it. 71 percent think that they will not improve this year. So pessimistic forecasts were, according to the Pew Research Center.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 07.02.2019, 15:18 PM