Susan Beauty became known Matti Vanhanen dating partner.

arrived with a smile Relove lifestyle-store VIP grand opening Thursday. Sleeping beauty said that she made a return to the beloved hobby.

good to hear. A lot of work. I am a catering and lunch business. In addition, I have since last autumn been involved in amateur theatre. The show premiere was just. Was nervous a lot, but it went well, the sleeping Beauty told the evening newspaper.

sleeping Beauty told her acting brings a nice counter balance to work.

the play is like the Finnish horse. I am in the play of the bank clerk, Mervi. 45-year-old unmarried woman, shy and sense of humor. Yes, it’s such a fun role, the sleeping Beauty told me.

sleeping Beauty children not yet show seen. They have their own part to get to the show by helping her mother work out.

– yes, They are coming to see. A lot I’ve been working out the lines also with them, which has been fun.

the Beauty has dabbled in acting also in the past. Last year marked six years since sleeping Beauty from the previous role.

the Fire was left to live, now then was the moment, the sleeping Beauty told me.

Susan sleeping Beauty arrived at the Relove Fredan the VIP opening ceremony on Thursday. New shop hosting Noora grave cloth. JULIA AALTO-SETÄLÄ

Susan Beauty became known in 2006, then-prime minister Matti Vanhanen dating as a partner. Sleeping beauty does not want to comment on the current dating status is evening newspaper.

49-year-old Susan sleeping Beauty had a year break from the public eye. Now he can choose to see the theatre stage. JULIA AALTO-SETÄLÄ