The mortality rate by heart diseases has decreased in recent years, to about 14,000 cases in the year 2016 compared to 2015. Nevertheless, over 207,000 people died in Germany in 2016, is still to heart attacks, heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases.
claim: “More investment in prevention”
What are the Trends in the frequency of diseases and deaths, is the only one of the points, the heart surgeon and cardiologist at the German heart report. He was presented on Thursday in Berlin. The annual analysis shall assemble the facts and Figures about the supply in the field of heart medicine, and is published by the German heart Foundation in collaboration with medical professional societies for cardiology, cardiac surgery and paediatric cardiology.
in Particular, cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death, the physicians in this year. They emphasize the importance of preventive measures, such as regular exercise, a healthy diet and avoidance of Smoking. Around 90 percent of heart attacks are due according to The Lancet study, with about 30,000 participants to unhealthy life style. The effect of the existing guidelines to enforce, however, be “greater public investment in prevention” is needed, says Dietrich Andresen, Chairman of the German heart Foundation.
Social factors
It would have to be amplified, also takes into account social factors. Studies, for example, of the Bremen-based heart attack register (“STEMIRegister”) to over 3,400 heart attack patients in the Region Bremen and the surrounding lower Saxony, Germany, have shown that heart attack patients handled, depending on the age and socio-economic Status in very different ways with the possibilities of the life style-related reduction of heart attack risk factors such as Smoking, lack of exercise or Obesity.
So people with an increased heart attack risk and heart attack were smokers and the severely obese patients, more common in disadvantaged than in advantaged urban areas, says Rainer Hambrecht, chief physician of cardiology at the Klinikum Links der Weser in Bremen, Germany. He adds that this incidence of Infarctions was also to be found more pronounced in the younger, under 50-year-olds in socially disadvantaged parts of the city. Also in the Five-year long-term prognosis of severe cardiovascular, showed complications such as heart attack and stroke is stronger in these urban areas. Therefore, the need to focus prevention concepts reinforced on the socially disadvantaged and the “focal point of the city”. In addition, he argues for a “complete” ban on tobacco advertising, the Smoking rates reduce, particularly among the young people effectively.
differences in the Federal States of
As in past years, the mortality from heart diseases, great differences between the individual Federal States. The highest is from Saxony-Anhalt reported (295 Deaths per 100,000 population), the lowest in Hamburg (184/100.000). In Berlin there are 187 Deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. “It is striking that the mortality rate of heart diseases in the total dropped in all of the länder, a total of felt or, at least, has remained unchanged. In addition to demographic aspects that could be due to improvements in medical care, but also to improved Preparedness,“ says the Berlin heart specialist, Andresen. In more rural regions such as Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the relatively high mortality may be related with lack of Doctors and long Due for the emergency services.
Also between men and women, there are still differences. Overall, women have a poorer prognosis than men With heart disease valves the mortality rate is 51 per cent higher than for men, heart weakness and even 64 percent. As the cause of the doctors gender-specific differences in genetics and anatomy, but also differences in the effect of certain drugs, which would have to be taken into account in the heart of medical care.
More hospital admissions
One of the most common reasons for hospital treatment of heart rhythm disorders. In comparison to the previous year, there were 2018, a significant increase in inpatient admissions to 8400 cases. The clinic recordings due to heart failure, and valve disease.
“The heart weakness usually begins slowly, with symptoms such as shortness of breath are interpreted in climbing stairs fail, and often on the age pushed up or swollen feet did not notice – it does not hurt also,” said Andresen. Similarly, just forget of elderly patients taking medication, or you would not be taken due to side effects. “Here, we have to go through more targeted outpatient care, but especially through better education about disease, symptoms and treatment options better.”
More operations in people over 80
Also, the number of cardiac operations in elderly patients has increased. It was in the year 2000, approximately 4225 cardiac operations in people over 80, according to the most recent Figures for 2017 already 16242 interventions. In any other age group the OP have developed-Pay, according to the report in this extent.
Doctors will explain the increase in the ageing society. In addition to their anesthesia, as there is today, minimally invasive techniques and surgical methods, without the chest-Opening, Wolfgang Harringer, President of the German society for thoracic, heart and vascular surgery. In the area of the operation methods, the heart medicine has made in the last few years, tremendous progress. 50 years ago, the first heart transplantation in Germany was carried out. 13. February 1969, a Sensation, are being transplanted annually, about 300 heart – even extreme sports can be after a transplant possible. However, more than 700 people waiting for a donor heart. Not a few die, because it is not a suitable Organ is available. Many Doctors, including Wolfgang Harringer, therefore, for an Opposition system for organ donation, as they are called in Austria.
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Adelheid Müller-Lissner
we are Criticized sometimes, that in Germany a relatively high number of pacemakers implanted, and more Stents were used than in other European countries. Dietrich Andresen, Chairman of the Executive Board of the German heart Foundation say to, will not it operates “too much”. The development was also a consequence of the welfare state, take the quality as the benchmark. Operations would also be executed even in old age, because patients would have pain, for example, less chest and shortness of breath – and thus more freedom of movement. (with dpa)