Leuven, The largest mars ever in the Leuven city centre, as described in the city police. More than 10,000 people lined up at the start on the Leuven klimaatmars. Among them no one less than Anuna, The Weaver and Kyra Gantois, autograph collection.

“I am at this moment a huge, proud mayor of Leuven”, so began Ridouani his speech on the Ladeuzeplein. “I see purely social engagement and action. The full Ladeuzeplein is a symbol for the better approach of the climate. How can you be cynical and claim that young people do not lie awake of the climate if you see this? I would like the university students that this paws are placed, thank. I guarantee that we as a city here lessons from will attract. Leuven will walk on other cities. You can count on me” was Ridouani.