– On the 6. grade levels at Islev school in Rødovre, I experience as a mother of a very poor management of the school. the

– They have decided to make the 3 current 6. classes for 3 new starting 4/3. the

Students need to have new classmates
– the Bag must be shaken, the students must be put together in a new way, and this is not uncommon, due to budget or drop out from secondary pupils, but here it is just not the case.

this is the first part of a letter to the nation! have received from a parent of a student in one of Islev School current sjetteklasser. The parent would seem, there is something quite wrong in that the school tackles a problem in a class, by letting it go out over all the students in all 3 classes. the
And the answer from the school management – which you can read below – confirms that the decision has created debate. The parent’s letter continues namely as follows:

– the Justification for all must switch classmates about ’unhealthy’ culture in one of the classes, who experience violence, unrest and disturbances among some of the students(the number three is mentioned again).

– The class mistrives, and this goes both to the students and the teacher. It has also been going on for 4 years, and the parents have had enough.
– But as I hear it, there is no from klassetrinnets children who want to make new classes, and we parents have been meeting, about the new measures.

– the Management says that they have tried several different approaches, but it is a puzzle for us – we are parents or students have not been able to notice it. the

does not Seem we parents have been heard
– I’m actually not at all, we parents have been consulted and included in various measures, and I am missing information about what the school has done for the f.ex. to strengthen klassekultur.

– the Management has stated that they have not been good enough to solve the task, and, therefore, is this decision now taken.

– Just before christmas we saw a letter saying that it is not a secret that udskolingen can be referred to negatively, and that some classes may have it hard in periods, so will the management and staff create good learning and well-being of the children, and want to cooperation with us to solve the problems. In particular the desire to reduce the number of select private schools when they should in 7 pm.

– But here fails the.

– There are none of us parents, who feel that we have been consulted or included in their decision, and nor, to all our suggestions and ideas have been considered by the management.

So our question is now, why choose the local school rather than a private school, reads it from the parent, if the child just now sitting and looking at the order to select five old and five new classmates.

the nation! have asked the school for a comment, and head of the graduate school, Jesper Petri confirms that you are now mixing in all three classes, because there have been problems in one class:

– It is correct that we at Islev School has decided to make the current three-6. classes on to three new classes.

– It is important for me to stress that it happens after very careful consideration, and it is done to ensure a better well-being in the classroom, so all students 6. vintage get a good life.

– the Background is – as the anonymous parent also writes that over a longer period of time has been bad well-being and an unhealthy culture in one of the three classes of a character, so it has gone beyond the prerequisites for creating good learning – both academically and socially.

– as we can as a school not accept.

– It may seem like a large intervention to mix the three classes on the new, but it is in our view absolutely necessary, if all the students on the 6. grade levels must have good conditions to learn and have a good day at school.

– I understand as well that there are parents of children who do not immediately have experienced poor well-being in their own class, who do not want children at 6. grade levels will be mixed into new classes.

But I must also say that I’m disappointed by that in the argument against new classes is pointed fingers of some individual children.

– thus I can not recognize the premise that there is talk about the ’three troubled students, who destroys the three classes’. It is not the case.

– When working with children and young people daily, you know there can be periods where they have challenges and need to be together and participate in new ways – both for the individual and for the community.

– We try wherever possible to listen to and meet the wishes of students and parents in the process.

– There have already been held a parent meeting, and we are holding another one here in February.

– All of the students have also gained the opportunity to desire, who they want as future classmates, so that all children, as a minimum, is sure to have at least a good companion by his side, when the new classes start up, writes Jesper Petri, but what are you thinking?