“Central african republic”

“Conflictual country waiting continued at peace.”

“Despite a ready-made agreement seems peace between the government and the 14 armed groups in the central African republic to pull out on time. According to one of the country’s ministers are missing signatures from three of the parties to the conflict before the agreement can become a reality.”

“– It is not possible to publish a document without all parties have signed, says Enter Maxime Kazagui, the minister of communications and spokesperson for the government.”

“The latest attempt at peace, the so-called Khartoum agreement, was presented for soon a week ago and it is the eighth agreement of six years in the conflict-torn country. The details of the agreement have not, however, been presented, which has faced criticism from human rights groups who threaten mass protests.”

“the last of The signatures, which completes the agreement is expected only in the weekend in conjunction with the African union summit in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.”

“the Turmoil in the central African republic is rooted in a seizure of power in 2012, when the muslim rebel group Seleka forced out the former christian president Francois Bozizé.”

“Under the UN flag managed to forces from the former colonial power France push back the Seleka to the north of the country and then the 2016 led the country by president Faustin-Archange Touadéra. The former prime minister Touadéra, however, has only control over one-fifth of the country’s territory. The rest is in the hands of different rebel groups.”

“Thousands have died and over a million have been driven on the run, as a result of the conflict in the country, which is one of the world’s poorest.”