After a “Club” of men with men, women were yesterday at the range and it was of course excited, whether the debate would be similar to expire spiteful as those of last week. No. You did not do. It was agreed from the outset not to want to of “the man” and “woman” to speak of plurality for the sake of.

Also, for the (alleged) crisis of the men of the round showed a lot of understanding. After 3000 years, was now closing with the Patriarchate. It was as topsy-turvy go, normal, found theologian Ina Praetorius.

This understanding, and the willingness or even the need new relationships to negotiate, based gender researcher Franziska Schutzbach, connected via Skype, in the fact that women have to deal more with their role. Men are, historically, have been as a people defined, whereas women formerly of the human rights excluded. Thus, women were more likely to be used in a particular sex to exercise.

Is the debate to men on an everyday basis?

to be guided on How the gender debate, about the round was, however, not in agreement. Stefanie Berger found, you should take the anger of women about toxic masculinity seriously. The Gillette Spot, have a clear message to the men: “don’t Be a dick.” How responsible men went through the world, could then decide for themselves. Journalist Tamara Wernli regrets that an unfriendly mood towards men had become the Trend. Most would respect women. Insecure men don’t know you. Anyway: The people had no time to think about all the thoughts. Would you like to work, not discuss.

the saw is also a farmer, Barmettler. The “Club” last week you didn’t look, you don’t have other priorities than feminism , weak they feel in a traditional role. It should be in the Small work in the relationship and the family. You had to beat in the General Public with the big Hammer on the table. Anyway, you wouldn’t have time to constantly think about it, what could you expect of your man. It’ll just negotiated, as it works best for all.

“shut up Fury” helps not

Exactly this, in turn, found a therapist and Sexberaterin Caroline Fux feminist, Barmettler am working on a deal with your husband, how everyday life should look like. The witness of the height of the eyes. And this was necessary in the debate between men and women, it is not necessary in the current uncertainty. The most Important thing: listening. Not over, but with men talk. No victim-perpetrator schemes feed. So Fux provoked presenter Barbara Lüthi. Last week, she questioned whether it was too early for the role of the victim of the man. Exactly – “shut up Fury. You’re evil. You say nothing to” poison the discussion.

The Moment the therapist Fux and presenter Lüthi collided. Source: SRF

men, Too, should listen to each other better, said Fux. Not like last week in the “Club”, as Patrick Frey’s pain was history. The story about how he was men little male and have suffered it.

From their deliberations and white Fux: More common than gender issues men erection problems is to employ an unfulfilled sexuality or unhappy being single. For Fux, the uncertainty of men’s everyday life, and it’s totally o. k. For Ina Praetorius, it is unacceptable that this uncertainty never come to light to the Public.


The woman round there can be very self-critical. The insecurity of women is a Motor that you would take refuge in the traditional pattern. Women would also contribute to the contempt for women, even feminism could be toxic.

Toxic also the Opinions of Jetsetterin and businesswoman Vera Dillier. How to call it in the forest, come back to it. You’ve always been with men. Only once, in Lebanon, have you tried to rape a man. Haven’t you admitted. “Men’s violence can’t happen to me.” You have cut off as a child, always your brother. Later, you have learned the machoide shops the men and come forward in life.

Vera Dillier said, toxic men could not come near to her. When it arrived, it was more aggressive than men. Source: SRF

Dilliers Occur brachial seemed in comparison to the Rest of the round. Your dangerous statement about violence against women remained relatively little commented on. As one could have wished for more appeal. This was, after all, on Twitter, in the Form of numerous indignant comments, among other things, by Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin, “Vera, it lengthens!”

Everything is required, everything possible must be

After all, exhorted Praetorius the round regularly, and in the fight for women many of their current freedoms is hard. And despite the progress made should not weigh Barmettler into a false sense of security. What if your marriage no longer holds? Currently farmers are after a divorce empty-handed. Barmettler seemed to be surprised by these views, brought this, of course, without a snap at, or threat, to leave the “Club” – what happened at the men round a week ago. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 06.02.2019, 13:25 PM