The Regime of embattled Venezuelan heads of state, Nicolás Maduro is currently trying as a last resort, to sell the gold reserves of the country. Officially, the President wants to raise money for basic food. However, Maduro is on the brink. The United States and several countries in Europe have recognised opposition leader Juan Guaidó as a Transitional President. If a President gets on the verge of a possible change of major state assets in the hands of, can be the tricky. There are numerous examples where Ex-President suddenly disappeared with the cash.

On the 21. January sold the Maduro government now, in secret, three tonnes of Gold to the United Arab Emirates. It is planned a further sale of 15 to 30 tons in this month. Overall, this would be a value of 630 million to 1.2 billion Swiss francs. But the Opposition learned of the sale and made it public. The United States now threaten any sanctions, buys the Gold of Venezuela, to Maduro, with the cash supplied.

In the world’s largest corruption case

The Senator of the US entangled state of Florida, Marco Rubio, denounced in a Tweet, the company in the Emirates, which has purchased the three tons of Gold from the Central Bank: the company Noor Capital. Rubio of the company, all its employees, and even the airlines that transport the treasure, threatened with “sanctions of the US Treasury”. 31. January, he tweeted: “A Frenchman is today in Caracas, in order to organize the theft of Gold from Venezuela.”

that Frenchman, by the name of C. is, however, a dual citizenship – he also has a Swiss passport. C. worked long years as a Banker in Geneva, including at Credit Suisse, before he migrated, finally, in the Emirates. The Recherchedesk of Tamedia contacted C. on the phone. He confirmed his participation in the sale of three tonnes of Gold from Venezuela on 21. In January, the company Noor in the UAE. The Swiss assured that this sale was perfectly legal. He was not the buyer, but Noor.

According to reliable sources, C. worked on the sale of gold, but as a middle-man between the Venezuelan authorities, and Noor and received commissions. Tricky, this is because C. since years ago, in the sights of investigators – due to corruption.

Video: Venezuela crisis finally Chaos, poverty, and political instability – the explanatory video with a foreign editor Sandro Benini understand shows how it could come so far. Video: Lea Koch, Nicolas Fäs

The Geneva Prosecutor Yves Bertossa since 2016 is a method against C. He is said to have hidden a million in assets with complicated financial structure, which has beat a former colleague at Credit Suisse. His colleague, an asset Manager, has now been sentenced. The investigations against C. run. For him, the presumption of innocence.

however, It is not the only affair in which C is involved. In a second method, the Geneva public Prosecutor is investigating him for corruption. According to the prosecutors, he played a role in the displacement of 20 million dollars by Airbus to a business man in Mali. The business was a gold mine in Mali.

finally there is C. also, even in probably the largest corruption process in the world: the procedures around the purchase of a giant oil Field in Nigeria by the oil giant, Eni, and Shell. A Central piece of evidence in the case, a suitcase full of documents, passports, and USB flash drives. One of the main accused, has forgotten him in an apartment in Geneva””. The apartment belongs to C.

is On the Agenda of Cassis: “developments in Venezuela”.

With the sale of the gold of Venezuela, C. now, in addition, also in the United States is under attack. Possibly followed by another Swiss. Has helped the sale of gold from Venezuela is also a Partner in a small law firm in the Geneva neighbourhood of Champel. He wants to say to the business nothing, and refers to the “very strict confidentiality agreements,” which are in this type of transactions is common.

in the face of pressure from the United States, Noor Capital announced that the company would refrain from further transactions until the Situation in Venezuela has stabilized. C. says that he was not involved in the plans to sell a further 15 to 20 tons of Gold from Venezuela.

If it ever comes to further gold sales, is questionable anyway, because the threats of the United States, meanwhile, have deterred the investors. Trumps security adviser John Bolton announced that a part of foreign stored gold reserves of Venezuela have been blocked with the help of European countries already. In particular, the Bank of England refused to Caracas, the equivalent of 1.2 billion dollars in Gold to return. The British themselves do not comment on this.

Cassis before Meeting with Bolton

For Switzerland, Venezuela is a highly sensitive topic. In the last few years of government-related business have been paid to people and companies of the national Oil company PDVSA huge sums of money in Swiss banks. According to insiders has obtained, the Federal administration, in the meantime, detailed data of money laundering reporting office. They show flowed like a lot of suspicious money out of Venezuela Swiss banks.

According to Swiss law, the Bundesrat can block these funds at any time, should he determine that a regime change in Venezuela is not inevitable. This is supposedly also a topic of conversation between US national security adviser John Bolton and the foreign Minister, Ignazio Cassis, is currently in Washington. On the Agenda of Cassis developments in Venezuela. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 06.02.2019, 17:02 PM