An old enemy picture is circulating again in Europe: The Yellow peril. China’s Communists, the safety authorities can spread, with the network technology of the group of the European communication Huawei Hiking systems. Now, the EU Commission and the governments in Germany, the UK and Poland, whether to exclude the supplier from the middle Kingdom to the building of the future 5G mobile wireless technology check. “I think we need to be worried about Huawei,” said EU Commissioner Andrus Ansip. “Since it is built-in behind doors,” whispered he, so Chips or Software can, with the help of “secrets” to be stolen.
But strange: For years, Europe’s Telecom industry buys in large style technology in the Chinese world-market leader, and no one saw it as a Problem. Why are the managers now, suddenly, that this is possibly a security risk?

Unintentional Comedy

The answer is as simple as it is amazing. The source of fear is located in Washington. Huawei is now considered dangerous because the government of US President Donald Trump says so. For well over a year already operate America’s security strategists, a campaign for the banishment of the group of the markets of the industrial countries, reported the “New York Times”. This Trumps Ambassador in Berlin, Richard Grenell, said, “the security of telecommunications networks is at risk, if the supplier is subject to the control of foreign governments”. And promptly realized the Foreign office, in the Chinese laws that give it “some passages, we are concerned”. Therefore, China’s enterprises and Huawei are committed to working with the Chinese intelligence services cooperate.

there is, of course, however, an involuntary Comedy. Finally, the States of Europe have exactly this Problem since the with the United States. The “Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)”, which was tightened in 2001 with the Patriot Act, requires all U.S. companies that pass data of its customers to the security authorities, if you are for intelligence “relevant” and around the world. Will be monitored this forced cooperation only by a specially appointed secret court.

Particularly eager to be of service Microsoft

And, unlike in the case of Huawei’s relevant allegations against Google, Apple & Co are not just theory. Since the revelations of the Ex-agent Edward Snowden has shown that, in particular, the global eavesdropping service NSA power in the Grand style of this access right. Particularly eager to be of service in the Microsoft group, that company, with its Software, all the public administrations operating in the EU is calculated. So a Memo of 8 describes. March 2013 detailed that Microsoft gave the US authorities, even unlimited access to the Cloud service of the group, to the data store, in which many companies outsource their IT.

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However, none of the proven Abuses of the US secret services and IT companies had practical consequences. Europeans blend in effortlessly into the role of the American Software colony. Against this Background, the campaign against Huawei seems ridiculous. Certainly, China is a surveillance state that suppresses its critics and adamantly pursues its interests. There is authorized to suspicion.

The EU would make to the allied Trumps

But as long as the EU governments leave their state apparatus and the trade secrets of your company, the spying by the US services, the required spell against the world market leader from China more harm than good. The EU would only make the allies in trump’s trade war against China, in Europe in particular, large economic damage it threatens to inflict. At the same time would be gained for the security of the European IT-systems for almost nothing.

Much more useful would it be to finally come up with a long-term strategy of Europe for the “critical infrastructure” needed information technology from the grip of foreign powers can liberate. In the aircraft and the satellite navigation is managed with Airbus and the Galileo System, after all.

More about

network expansion, The abstract fear of Huawei

Klaus Landefeld

Europe is a lack of skilled engineers in order to protect the IT systems from “malicious cyber anaktivitäten,” which U.S. Ambassador Grennel hypocritical warns. It is only the lack of political will.