the COURT IN ELSINORE, denmark (Ekstra Bladet): Despite the small ten-minute delay seemed to the former tv host Maria Millet quite relaxed, as she showed up in Court in Elsinore.

Here she was on the dock, when she is accused of in the summer of 2017 to have been in possession of hæler-goods and weapons, and to have committed burglary.

Maria caused a stir in the otherwise anonymous court of law. She was nicely dressed in tight, black dress complete with a leopard scarf around the neck. The sleeves were decorated with what looked like glittering diamonds.

‘wheel of fortune’star refuses to commit in any relationship. It did her lawyer Henrik Stagetorn, note by the legal proceedings start.

But Maria Millet was not alone in court. A 46-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman is also charged in the case. They are both covered by the navneforbud and refuses both guilty.

the Indictment against Mary Millet

Charged along with 46-year-old man, who is the subject of navneforbud, to have been in possession of the following items, as ’the accused knew or suspected was stolen.

fishing tackle

wine fridges

Miscellaneous wines and spirits

A coffee table of the brand Philippe Starck

Kay Bojesen søpapegøjer

Kitchen Aid Artisan blender and køkkenmaskine

Kay Bojesen søpapegøjer

Four sølvkandelabre

A gulvlanterne

Two PH-lamps

Four Dualit toasters

A Studio toaster

Four Dualit kettles

Two Studio kettles

A Dualit mælkekedel

9 Exel Ketteligt candlestick

Four Wesco brødkasser

in Addition, Maria Millet accused of having violated the våbenbekendtgørelsen to be in possession of a brass knuckles without the police permission.

And finally, Millet along with a friend, who is the subject of navneforbud, accused of the attempted theft from a shed at a property in Graested.

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– It was surreal and traumatic, explained the former tv host Maria Millet on the summer morning in June 2017, when the police came and raided the cottage she lived in at the time.

Maria Millet is alleged to be in possession of hælervare.

But according to the tv host’s explanation, she knew nothing about, that she kept tyvekosterne. According to her, were the co-defendants, a 46-year-old man, who is the subject of navneforbud who owned the things. At the time it was the man from time to time for several years with Maria.

– I had given him permission to store some things, as he did not even had space for. I just knew that it was some personal belongings, but I was really quite care what it was. It I asked not to, explained Maria Millet in the court, to the prosecutor Nicky Pettersons questions.

the accused The tv host had a hard time to define her precise relationship to the co-defendants 46-year-old man, but in court she made it clear that the man was affiliated with a rockermiljø.

– It was not so simple. His (co-defendants red.) relationships in the club did that I did not said properly.

Despite a forceful attempt by the prosecutor Nicky Petterson, it was never really clear whether the 46-year-old man and Maria Millet had had a dating or a friendship.

‘he Has been threatening towards you?’ asked the prosecutor Nicky Petterson Maria on in Court.

– and I will not answer, she said.

‘Are you afraid of him?’ asked the prosecutor then.

– Yes, came the answer.

Although Maria Millet in court explaining that she did not know what items she stored, admits she, having sold a part of the 46-year-old accused of things over the DBA, after which she delivered the money to him.

In the indictment, it appears that there also have been found various paraphernalia on Maria Hirses residence, which could be used to commit burglary. Among other things, several crowbars, a sapphire, and more work gloves.

She refuses to these objects would belong to her.

the Tv host has in the course of the one and a half years, she has been waiting to going to court, changed the explanation. She did this in september 2018.

In court she explained that she knows her first explanation, was afraid to ‘poke’ and that it thus would have a large impact on her, as co-defendants at that time was prøvemedlem in a big rockerklub.

In september he left, however, supposedly were full members, and it did, to Maria Millet felt more at ease, and she gave thus a new explanation.

It is the latest explanation, which she maintains in court Wednesday.

The 46-year-old author is also charged with being in possession of a brass knuckles. It refuses, however, she.

– It is not my kojern. It is his ( I know that, because he has shown me that, she said in court.

however, It was not the explanation she had when she was questioned back in 2017. Here she explained that it was a gift from the 46-year-old accused man.

today, she has, as mentioned previously amended explanation.

– It is obvious that it is not my brass knuckles. It fits not at all to my hand-size. What should I do with a brass knuckles?, it sounded from Maria Millet, when the prosecutor asked knojernet.

Maria Millet was clearly affected during the trial, and when she was done to give evidence, she could not hold back the tears.

during a break she sat down at one of the private, who gave her a little reassuring nus extra bit of paper to wipe the eyes.

Danish well-known – 6. feb. 2019 – at. 05:52 Former tv host in court today

Maria Millet was the letter facing in the popular TV2-program ‘wheel of fortune’. Photo: Hanne Juul

47-year-old Millet took last year changed its name to Mariia Madeleine Sea Svensson and also appears under the name in the indictment.

It is not the first time that she changes the name. It happened the first time in 2006, where Maria Millet was to Mariia Madeleine Millet. It, however, had nothing with numerology to do, she stated at the time.

– It was actually a bet. I won 1000 dollars, she explained to See and Hear.

Since she changed back to Maria, but came so to be called Mariia again.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment Maria Millet, but it has not been possible.