When president Trump spoke to Congress about the kingdom’s condition on the night of Wednesday he took credit for the that the united STATES is not at war with North Korea, and that he revealed that his next meeting with regimeleder Kim Jong-un takes place in Vietnam in the end of February.

In the book, “Fear: the Trump In The White House” by the renowned journalist Bob Woodward, it revealed that the united STATES was probably only one Twitter message away from starting a war with North Korea.

First skrøyt the Trump of the United states ‘ role in the diplomatic progress on the Koreahalvøya, then came the quote about North Korea:

If I had not been elected president, we would have been in a gigantic war with North Korea right now, with potentially millions of people killed.

Criticized before the speech, the Conflict escalated

the Conflict between Kim and the Trump escalated the first new year’s day in 2018, when Kim in his nyttårstale selected to remind the world and the Trump of its nuclear weapons.

the united STATES is within the reach of our nuclear weapons, and the button to trigger them is always on my desk. There is no threat, that’s reality, said Kim.

Trump chose to respond with the same coin the day after.

Can someone from his starved and impoverished regime tell him that I also have a atomknapp, but it is much larger and more powerful than his, and my button works! he replied.

SPOKEN: Us president Donald Trump held his annual “State of the Union”speech to the american people on the night of Wednesday, but along the way there was another that stole the show. Video: AP, Twitter. Clip: Ørjan Ryland / Dagbladet Show more Twitter-the message

But Trump wasn’t done, writes Woodward. On the inside of The white house, and he proposed to write a new Twitter message where he would announce that the united STATES revokes all family members to the 28 500 american soldiers who were stationed in South Korea.

“such An action would most likely have been perceived by North Korea as a warning that the united STATES prepared for war,” writes Woodward.


But Trump should have been warned from several quarters not to write such a tweet, among other things, by senator Lindsay Graham.

– You must think thoroughly before taking such a decision. For when you have taken it, it becomes hard to go back on it. The day you make it, is the day you crash south Korean and japanese economy. It is an incredibly big decision, should I have said to Trump.

– So you think I should wait? should Trump have black.

Mr. president. I believe that you should never initiate this process, without having to be prepared to go to war.

Dark lies from stridslysten Trump Relationship changed

Twitter-the message was never sent, and in the course of a year the tone was between the two state leaders changed the total.

12. June the stage was set for a historic summit. After having been in a brutal as flaming, would finally Trump meet Kim in Singapore. Trump, who only months before had described Jong-un as the “rakettmannen”, grinned from ear to ear.

During the meeting there was signed a document, which North Korea committed themselves to work towards a complete atomnedrustning on Koreahalvøya – a promise that later has been the subject of discussions.

the American media have on several occasions claimed that North Korea is not keeping its part of the agreement, but positiviteten flourished on the new North – and South-Korea in september declared that they will work together to “remove all hazards that could lead to war on the peninsula”.

“Ultra-modern weapons”

In november they took a step back as North Korea’s state news agency reported that Kim had been present in connection with a test of a “new, ultra-modern weapons”. It was the first time the regime publicized that they are still doing våpentesting after meeting with Donald Trump last summer.

on the Night of Wednesday confirmed Trump that he will meet Kim in Vietnam 27. or 28. February, and then it is expected that he put pressure on North Korea to get them to keep their part of the agreement that was signed.

Vice president Mike Pence has stated that they will not require that North Korea share an overview of their nuclear weapons before the next summit, but that it will be placed on the agenda.

I believe it will be crucial that we manage to get in place a plan for how we are to get an overview of the weapons and atomanleggene their – and that they allow us to inspect the bases and the plan to discontinue the atomvåpenprogrammet, he said in an interview with NBC News.

– Now we will have to see results, he added.

Even seemed to Trump to be confident that it would work out when he published a Twitter message in november.

If things go wrong, I will be the first to tell you it, he wrote.

Hotellansatt cheered when Kim went