“Annie Lööf lose close associates”

“The press officer Hannes Hervieu leave”

“After ten years in the Centerrörelsen – now Annie Lööf’s closest collaborator Hannes Hervieu, 29, ahead in your career.”

“– It feels special to change the path, but I am proud of what I’ve got to be able to contribute to, ” he says.”

“After a very politically intense autumn, it is clear that Centerledaren Annie Lööf lose one of his very closest associates. “

“Pressekreteraren Hannes Hervieu go on to a new job as a press officer for the Ica group in Sweden, where he starts in the spring.”

“say Yourself, Hervieu that it feels ”special” to leave their job within the party, where he served for nearly ten years. In addition to the job in Lööf staff, he has also served as a works for mep Fredrick Federley in Brussels and has been chairman of the Swedish parliament:.”

” I’m proud of it I got to be with and contribute to. Having received the work of the Centre party, Annie Lööf, during a very intense year, which ended with the C’s best election results in 30 years, and an important new role in Swedish politics, it has been amazing. “

“New communications director”

“at the same time, he says that he is happy and looking forward to the new challenge within the Ica group.”

” I can’t think of a more exciting companies in Sweden to work for.”

“Then the previous, it is clear that the Centre party also make a castling on the kommunikationschefsposten. Ola Spännar has stopped and takes over, Lööf former speechwriter Charlotta Helge. New policychef since a time back, Magnus is Demervall, which, among other things, has been the chief of staff of the ministry of industry before, and now returned to politics.n”

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