The SPD wants that older people can refer to in case of unemployment in the future significantly longer unemployment benefits. This is part of the claims of party leader Andrea Nahles for a “welfare state reform in 2025”, in which she also wants to replace the controversial basic backup Hartz IV by a “citizens ‘ money”.

“from the age of 50 years, we want to acknowledge the contribution of number of years, even more than today,” said the party boss, the editor-in network in Germany (RND).”Who is 58 years old, can now apply for 24 months of unemployment benefit. We want to extend the reference period to up to 33 months”.

In individual cases, a reference period of three years

In individual cases, could increase the duration of three years. The more costs can be covered according to the SPD Director of unemployment insurance: “as Their coffers are full, the money is there,” she said. After the end of the duration of unemployment benefit I to be Concerned, fall into the basic protection.

Nahles had already demanded in the past year, a social reform of the state and announced: “We will not let Hartz IV behind us.” On Sunday and Monday, the SPD-tip deals with the issue – at a retreat she’s looking for ways out of the crisis in the party.

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order In the RND-Interview reaffirmed Nahles their demands and called vertices. “Stupid penalties need to go,” she said. “The key is: The state as a Partner for five years, for support and perspective from the unemployment benefit I, on qualifying offers up to the transition phase when citizens’ money,” said Nahles.

height of the rule sets are not to be increased

In the first two years of the cover of citizens ‘ money should no longer be made according to the design, the appropriateness of the apartment in question. “Those Affected don’t need your strength to find a new Job, a new apartment,” said Nahles.

power cuts for non-cooperating persons receiving the aid wants to highlight the SPD. “If sanctions are useless, but just create new problems, they are nonsensical.” This applies for example for the stricter sanctions for the under-25-Year-old, which led only to the fact that the state was losing contact with these people.

the height of The rule sets does not want to increase Nahles: “We also have a responsibility to the people, which go for little money to work every day. If we do not give them the feeling that their work is worthwhile financially, we will destroy any Motivation.”

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crisis of the social democracy of speculation in the SPD on Nahles-replacement

Stephan Haselberger Hans Month Paul Starzmann

language-The times of Hartz IV-called unemployment benefit II was introduced in 2005 under SPD Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Many in the SPD’s reforms of the former red-green government in the labour market is a reason for the loss of confidence of the party. (dpa, Reuters)