There is in Denmark a risk that we forget the most talented students. It believes the government, which over the next four years will invest 190 million dollars in the talentforløb for the particularly talented students in higher education.

the target Audience for talentprogrammet is the two percent talented students across all higher education in Denmark. This corresponds to around 5000 students.

The sessions can be run as summer schools or in parallel with the mainstream education. They can take place both in educational institutions or in cooperation with external partners such as companies or research centres.

There will be established a pool, where education programmes can apply for funding for the development and operation of the talentforløb.

Education and forskningsminister Tommy Ahlers (V) believes that it is important to do something “extra for the best”.

– There is a danger that we forget the very best students. If we forget them, there can happen two things.

– The one is, that we do not get utilized to their full potential to the benefit of Denmark. The second is that we run the risk that they go abroad and read instead of, says Tommy Ahlers.

He stresses that the investment in the best students does not mean that the other students being forgotten.

It is the government’s Disruptionsråd, which has identified talent development as crucial for Denmark’s future.

the educational Institutions must come up with some clear criteria for the selection of students. In the proposal it becomes clear that it is not necessarily the characters, which is the crucial factor.

Conversations and motivated applications can, for example, also come into play.

There will not be added up to the fact that some disciplines will be prioritized over the other, when the funds to be distributed, says Tommy Ahlers.

– We are completely with that talent is available everywhere. We need to get away from that, that they skilled only at some certain education.

– They are all places, and it is all of them, we want to make programs for, say, education and the minister for research.

But if you ask the students, should instead be routed funds to the educational institutions which are hardest hit by the cuts.

Johan Hedegaard Jørgensen, who is chairman of the Danish Students ‘ Council (DSF), call talentudspillet arrogant.

– It is hugely problematic that you choose to finance specific parts of the education system and a very, very small group of students, when we have a system where you have saved 20 billion on training, he says.