On Sunday came the news that the EU and the Latin american group that formed earlier in the week with the reason of the crisis in Venezuela will meet in Uruguay’s capital Montevideo on Thursday. Also Sweden will participate in the meeting.

”the Liaison group will gather with the EUROPEAN union, and eight european union member states (France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the united kingdom) and countries from Latin america (Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Uruguay)”, said the EU’s utrikeschef Federica Mogherini and Uruguay’s president Tabaré Vázquez, in a joint statement.

the successors to the current leader Nicolás Maduro, that the Venezuelan fate will be decided this month.

He announced at the same time, there are new demonstrations on 12 February to bring about an alternation of power.

– Check the date, it is very important, ” he said according to the news agency EFE at the EU’s office in the venezuelan capital, Caracas, during the large demonstrations that took place in Saturday, for and against the Maduro regime.

He also mentioned the ”important kraftsamlingar” before then, without going into details.

Later reported, among others, the AFP news agency that the Guaidó during Sunday is expected to announce a date by which the crisis-ridden country to receive humanitarian aid.

, the united kingdom, Germany, Spain and Denmark have previously asked the Court to declare the election no later than this weekend. Otherwise countries will consider Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s interim president.

France’s minister of EUROPEAN affairs Nathalie Loiseau, stressed on Sunday in an interview with French tv channel LCI requirement for a new presidential election.

In an apparent attempt to appease the resistance without leaving russia’s president Maduro said he is willing to bring forward the parliamentary elections, not presidential elections.

” do you Want to have the choice? Do you want to have early elections? We shall have parliamentary elections, beating Maduro stuck in the Saturday, when his followers by stöddemonstrationer celebrated that it was 20 years ago, his predecessor, Hugo Chávez gained power in the country.

michaud Nathalie Loiseau the following day as ”a farce”.

And the defections from the regime continue. After Francisco Yánez, the first general who changed sides, has now also Venezuela Irakambassadör Jonathan Velasco via social media announced that he will switch side and support the Guaidó as the leader of the country, reports EFE.