The main partner of the Government has given this Friday by the end of the legislature and already are preparing for a general election imminent, the third in less than three and a half years. The address of we Can has approved unanimously the holding of primaries to choose their candidate before Christmas. Its secretary general, Pablo Iglesias, will be presented after “broken” the most that made it possible for the motion of censure that led to Pedro Sánchez Moncloa. The president of the Government has replicated to Churches that “take their time” because “there’s going to be quite a few months prior to the occurrence of that fact”, in allusion to the advance election.

The Budgets of 2019 are in the air, there are constant speculations with several dates for a possible advance of elections and the crisis in Catalonia, conditions everything. That “feeling of huge uncertainty” that, as Churches, characterized Spanish politics, has led to the leader of we Can to establish itself as the first leader of one of the major parties to give the legislature complete, and set a pre-election. Your response to the volatile political was the call, and resolution, in less than a month, the primary process for choosing the lists to the Congress and the Senate.

MORE INFORMATION Churches urgent summons to the state we Can for the possible advancement to the election The possible advancement of the general bursts into the campaign andalusian

“we’re closer to a breakthrough election for the approval of Budgets”, has emphasized Churches in his intervention in the open at the beginning of the Citizen Council, State of we Can. Sanchez has reacted from Havana, trying to quell the rumors, in part fueled by members of the PSOE, that their intention is to hold elections right away. “One thing are the dynamics of the parties and of the Government. And the Government will continue to rule, reversing the cuts, recovering many of the rights that were reduced during the policy ambiguous by the previous Administration”, has been the response of the president, official travel in Cuba.

The maximum organ of decision of May was summoned of urgency last Monday about the possibility of a preview of the general at the beginning of 2019. The first alarm We caused the minister of public works and secretary of Organization of the PSOE, José Luis Ábalos, when not ruled out a super Sunday election with general, european, regional and municipal on may 26, all a logistical challenge without precedent in the that would have up to six boxes at each polling station. He also contributed, according to sources from the direction of we Can, the refusal of the parties pro-independence catalans support Budgets.

Contradictions on whether there will be Budgets

The Government issues mixed messages about the possibility of submitting a Budget of his own. After Casino Siteleri the president virtually ruled out last week, today, after the Council of Ministers, the Government spokesman, Isabel Celaá, let fall that there are still possibilities to present accounts to the next year. And even was alluded to that it would be possible to send them to the Parliament in April, as it did this year, the Government of Mariano Rajoy. “We have the obligation to continue working for the carrying out Budgets. There is still time. In December or we could go to those dates [April], even more. There is time, we must take advantage of it,” observed Celaá without clearing the questions.

waiting for the elections in andalusia on December 2, and its interpretation in key national, give some sense to the political scene, the movement of Churches is evidence of the change in the relationship with Sanchez. The leaders of the PSOE and We have gone in less than a month and a half to sign a budget agreement in The Moncloa, which marked a before and an after in the relationship between the two formations, in a climate of mutual distrust. While the socialists responsible for the refusal of CKD and PDeCAT —which in turn has an impact on the negotiations with the PNV— not to move forward with Budgets, we Can reject the alternative of extending the accounts, and to govern by decrees. Iglesias, who has been held accountable to the Executive of the lack of the support to the accounts for his “inability” and “lack of interest”, gives great significance to pass because it would be the first time that part of the program Can be set down in measures such as the raising of the minimum wage or the regulation of the rental market.

The preferred partner of Sanchez has emphasized that the “exceptionality” of the crisis in Catalonia, which affects the relationship with CKD and PDeCAT —determinants in the success of the motion against prime minister, Mariano Rajoy— is another of the factors that, understands Churches, accentuate the weakness of the Government. “You can’t govern by decree, is not very real that a Government can keep a lot of time with decrees-law, 84 members of Congress and the Bureau of the Parliament controlled by the PP and Citizens”, has been re-asserted in his thesis on the Citizen Council, the State, under its absolute control.