The british media have presented the commitment of the Government May in respect of Gibraltar as a surrender. “May gives in over Gibraltar after the threat of veto from Spain”, the title of The Guardian in its edition on the Internet. “Theresa May surrenders to the demands of Gibraltar out of the negotiation table, and Spain withdrew its threat of a boycott,” said the tabloid Daily Mail. “Accused May give in regard to Gibraltar after securing Spain a triple protection”, said The Daily Telegraph, conservative daily of reference of the eurosceptics.

MORE INFORMATION Sanchez threat to May to veto the Brexit despite the latest bilateral agreement on Gibraltar London rejects the presence of the Spanish police at the Gibraltar airport Picardo, about Spain: “The one who believes to have the frying pan by the handle you run the risk of getting burned by the oil,” The battle of statements about the ‘Brexit’ and Gibraltar

Gibraltar was until now the last of the concerns of May, despite the fact that has been about to derail the agreement of the Brexit closed with Brussels after months of agonizing negotiations. In the past interventions of the prime minister, however, there has been constant references to the “british sovereignty” on the Rock, and to Betasus the commitment of any covenant of the future relationship with the EU will be negotiated “for the entire family of United Kingdom”. The pressure capacity of Gibraltar on numerous british parliamentarians is not negligible, and May need until the last of the votes if he wants to overcome his next obstacle: the approval by the House of Commons of the document negotiated with the EU.

“The first minister has left it absolutely clear that we stand firm in defence of british sovereignty over Gibraltar and that the agreement that we make in the future will affect the entire family of United Kingdom. During the negotiations of withdrawal, given the particular circumstances that are specific to Gibraltar, we have had talks with Spain that have directly involved the Government of Gibraltar. Were constructive and we are confident that the same spirit should preside over the future relationship,” he said through a statement a spokesman of Downing Street, the residence of the first minister and the seat of his Government, nothing more made public the letters of clarification from the british ambassador in Brussels demanded by Madrid.

despite the fact that the chief minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo, was satisfied with the position expressed by the Government in May, the band eurosceptic has interpreted everything that happened as the umpteenth transfer to the EU, and he expressed himself with harshness. “Spain has secured a triple shield on the Rock of Gibraltar in a bilateral agreement with the british Government, and puts us even more on the defensive when the resumption of the negotiations during the transition period. Just when we thought that the situation could not be more embarrassing…” are written by the responsible of Leave.Eu, one of the organizations that has advocated more passionately the Brexit, in his account on the social network Twitter.