A five-day leave power, the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto has announced that it will award to Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of Donald Trump, the highest honor that delivery Mexico to a foreign citizen. The mexican presidency has confirmed on Tuesday through a press release a rumor that had been circulating for a couple of days, but that many had considered a paparrucha propalada with anger. The outgoing Government acknowledges that it has chosen to give the Order Mexican Eagle Aztec the husband of Ivanka Trump, 37, for his role as “essential” in the negotiation of the new trade agreement of north America.

Kushner, who has no formal charge at the White House, and whose power has been limited in recent months, supported “in a decisive manner the development of the trade talks” between Mexico and the united States, according to a press release issued this afternoon by the presidency. Their participation was “decisive” for the start of the negotiations of both countries, and Canada, which extend to over 13 months in which was born the so-called T-MEC. The press release also ensures that Kushner avoided an “exit unilateral” of the united States in the round of negotiations, a threat with which Trump played for more than a year to as a measure of pressure on the negotiating teams.


The decline of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Peña Nieto and Kushner conditioning the meeting with Trump to advances in the TLC

The confirmation of the presidency has unleashed perhaps the latest controversy in the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto. The confirmation caused a wave of indignation in social networks between politicians, diplomats, artists, figures of culture and mexicans on foot. “Kushner is the son-in-law who called mexicans ‘murderers and rapists’. Give the Aguila Azteca is an attitude of supreme humiliation and cowardice”, he wrote on Twitter the historian Enrique Krauze. The president of the employers ‘ association, Gustavo de Hoyos, also criticized the decision: “Those who were waiting for a pretext to call the administration of Peña Nieto entreguista already have.” The political scientist Denise Dresser said that history will judge the current Administration for its corruption scandals, the night of Iguala, and “honoring the member of a family mafia-like and criminal and has been dedicated to humiliate Mexico.” “Shame, tremendous,” added the actor Gael García Bernal.

Peña Nieto defended his decision during Dinamobet a tour of work in the State of Sinaloa. “It is an attribution of the president, and I want to give you,” he replied to journalists who had asked to justify the ad. “I want to make a recognition to whom it has been a great ally of Mexico,” said the pri, which has been saved in the last few weeks a low profile, obscured to the fast pace of the activities of the president-elect, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

The Government of the Movement of Regeneration Nacional (Morena), which seeks a good relationship with Washington, avoided how to debate with the decision of The Pines. Kushner met with president-elect Lopez Obrador in July. This morning, Marcelo Ebrard, who will become this Saturday in the secretary of Foreign Affairs, would only say that they respect the decision of Peña Nieto, who during his six-year term has given the same distinction, in their degree of collar (the highest available), saudi king Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud and the presidents of Italy, Argentina and Portugal. In your grade-band and plate have also been awarded in recent years, the Spanish banker Francisco González, and the Danish royal family, in addition to the ministers of Foreign affairs of Bolivia, and Norway.

The Law of Awards, incentives, and Rewards civilian points out that the Order of the Mexican Eagle Aztec is a distinction that is given to foreign nationals who have been given “services prominent” to the nation. The award, which is presumed to be delivered in Buenos Aires during the G-20 summit, to be filed before the Secretariat of Foreign Relations. The ministry is, until this Saturday, in the hands of Luis Videgaray, one of the men closest to Peña Nieto, and who left the Government in September of 2016 by the back door after having been the author of the invitation of Trump at the official residence of Los Pinos, a fact that was repudiated by seven of every ten mexicans.

the triumph of The republican brought back to Videgaray to the Cabinet in January 2017. His personal friendship with Kushner made him an essential character for Peña Nieto. The mexican Government has not defined to what degree it will deliver the Eagle Aztec the uncomfortable son-in-law, who may not receive it in a necklace or band particular category reserved for heads of State or of Government and crown princes. Whatever it is, it seems to be a prize that will fall soon in the forgetfulness of the mexicans.