The victory of López Obrador takes to the power left in Mexico Profile | López Obrador against himself, “There is a sense of optimism and hope” who’s Who in the new Cabinet

Mexico has started this Saturday a new era under the command of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The politician, 65, has assumed the presidency of the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world after the elections of 1 July, where it achieved an overwhelming victory, with more than 30 million votes, 53%. “I don’t have the right to fail the people of Mexico! Nothing material I’m interested in and I like the trappings of power,” he said in his speech on assuming power. In these five months of transition, even as president-elect, Lopez Obrador has taken a good number of controversial decisions that emphasize your figure of political indomitable. The most prominent of these has been the cancellation of the new airport of Mexico City, a work that had an advance of 30%.

The victory of Lopez Obrador breathed a glimmer of hope, after the bloodiest year since the Revolution in a country battered constantly by the president of the united States, Donald Trump. The renewed self-love flies over these days environmental. A ritual of optimism that will live on its peak when the indigenous peoples be given the afternoon of this Saturday, the baton of command. The veterans compared the arrival of López Obrador in the hope that was aroused by the arrival of Luis Echeverria to power in 1970, and that of Vicente Fox in 2000.

The inauguration this Saturday culminates a long journey that the political began in 2005 and included two failed attempts to gain the presidency. The ceremony of transfer of powers also means the arrival of the left to power in a region that turns to the right under the impetus of the ultra Jair Bolsonaro, a newly-elected president of Brazil. In THE COUNTRY we tell you, live and in the details of the ceremony.


Up to here we have come with the day of taking possession. The inauguration of this Saturday, that has brought many cheers of hope to the society, it means a turn to the left to the largest Spanish speaking country in the world. the Mexico begins a new era under the command of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Thank you for joining us, see you next time!

02/12/2018 03:13


During the act of endowment, many of the eyes were on Ivanka Trump. The daughter of the president of the united States witnessed the ceremony together with the vice-Pence in the name of his father, who was in Argentina for the Summit of the G20.

02/12/2018 03:02


The heads of State of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have taken advantage of this Saturday’s visit to Mexico to sign, along with Lopez Obrador and Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC, a Comprehensive Development plan to address the problem of migration .

02/12/2018 02:55


The first day of López Obrador in office leaves a zip of closeness with the people. As proof of that, this photograph, which is viralizó this Saturday, shows a cyclist to accompany the car of the president way to the Congress. “Without thinking, I took the flag with which they celebrated the Independence, and I took the bike to accompany him,” says the man in conversation with Verne. The photo is of EPH.

02/12/2018 02:46


in Addition to the investiture of the new president, another of the activities that generated much excitement this Saturday was opening to the public for the first time in 84 years of the exresidencia officer of The Pines .

02/12/2018 02:37


The presence of the president of Venezuela was one of the most criticised points of the day of taking possession. The head of the bolivarian State was not in the ceremony held in the Congress because he came late, but was present at the luncheon together with other leaders. the “Count on Venezuela for whatever you need” , said Nicolas Maduro, López Obrador to greet him.

02/12/2018 02:31


Many of the followers of Lopez Obrador who have come from all corners of the country to the Socket are left, now that he has retired the president, to celebrate the arrival of the new administration.

02/12/2018 02:26


“do Not leave me alone because without you I’m no good nothing, or almost nothing” . The president ends his speech with the cry of “¡que viva Mexico!”. The new head of State has taken nearly two hours to reach out to followers in the Zocalo. Now, it sounds the anthem of mexico.

02/12/2018 02:17


“Because I ended up with 100 points,” says Lopez Obrador at the end of his speech. “I invite you to help realize these commitments. Every year I go to render a report at the Congress.

But here also, in the Socket, I’m going to give a report, each year; to review with the 100 commitments , one by one, so that we can know if we have met or are still pending”.

02/12/2018 02:12


The message of Lopez Obrador to the migrants of the caravan: “we’re Not going to leave them alone”.

02/12/2018 02:08


“we will Build among all the peace. Today began the process of amnesty for the release of political prisoners of the old regime.” AMLO says that the next six years will be given priority dialog.

02/12/2018 02:07


02/12/2018 02:05


The president says his Government will prioritize the respect for the human rights of migrants . The immigration crisis that plagues the region has marked both the output of Enrique Peña Nieto of the power as the arrival of AMLO. Photo: Hector Guerrero.

02/12/2018 02:04


The president takes most of an hour giving his second message of the day:

02/12/2018 02:00


“We will investigate thoroughly the disappearance of the youths from Ayotzinapa” , says AMLO. This morning, both in Congress, as in The Pines and in the Zocalo, the people counted up to 43 in memory of the victims of the case Matches. “You know the truth, and those found guilty are punished,” said the president.

02/12/2018 01:59


“the increases to The minimum wage will never be set below inflation” , the president says. Something that, according to him, has spent all the years in which the “neoliberal power” has ruled in Mexico, points in reference to the last sexenios. Photo: AFP

02/12/2018 01:54


The new head of State notes that in his sexenio will attempt to rescue the national oil , Pemex . “It will stop the plan of dismantling of the Federal Commission of Electricity,” she says about the project to which it points as the one that destroyed the oil industry and energy of Mexico.

02/12/2018 01:49


Lopez Obrador ensures that during his administration will work to connect better with new infrastructure, those more isolated areas , such as the southeast of the country, one of the regions most abandoned.

02/12/2018 01:41


The message that Lopez Obrador is also addressed to those who live off drug trafficking:

02/12/2018 01:36


The public claims of López Obrador when he remembers that his party has passed in the two Chambers the law, which stipulates that former presidents did not receive pensions . “A round of applause for the new Congress, which has already been working on the new policies,” he says.

02/12/2018 01:36


Lopez Obrador ensures that in your Government there will be jail with “no bond” for those who commit crimes of theft of fuel, possession of illegal weapons, counterfeit bills, tax evasion and voter fraud. “ Enough of dealing with the poor , ” he says.

02/12/2018 01:30


02/12/2018 01:24


As one of the measures in the plan of Brown to reach out to all you country, the president announces that be decentralized the federal Government with the creation of new secretariats that serve in each of the 32 States.

02/12/2018 01:24


“we Will make a few trips abroad, and only will if they are justified,” says the now president of Mexico.

02/12/2018 01:16


“there will be No cronyism, nepotism, or any of these scourges of the policy” , represent the contractor. In addition ensures that will not increase taxes or the public debt. In this opportunity, López Obrador elaborates on the points that developed this morning at the inauguration. Photo: AP.

02/12/2018 01:13


02/12/2018 01:10


“keep me patience and trust, because we are delivering a country in bankruptcy, especially in everything that has to do with the industries of oil and power”. López Obrador points against the energy policy of Peña Nieto and ensures that it will work to lower the price of fuel. “We’re going to rescue these two big industries,” he says.

02/12/2018 01:09


Lopez Obrador speaks now of the importance that will have the small and medium-sized producers in the interior of the country in his six-year term and ensure that will have the full support of his Government. “They will buy what you produce,” he says.

02/12/2018 01:02


“Up the bottom!” , screams López Obrador. As in the speech he gave this morning in the Congress, the president ensures that the salaries of the officers will decline to increase the salaries of the people. “All boys and girls, poor, disabled, of Mexico are going to have a social pension”.

02/12/2018 00:56


“Will cancel the so-called education reform” , said to a standing ovation from the people to the president, who ensures that the free education is guaranteed in his six-year term. This morning it was in the mexican capital for a demonstration against the reform of the Institutional Revolutionary Party that today left the presidency.

02/12/2018 00:52


02/12/2018 00:50


“First youth”. Lopez Obrador repeated another of the slogans of his campaign. The new head of State promise scholarships for students of all levels. “In 2019 will be up and running 100 public universities with careers appropriate to each region of the country to address quality education to 64,000 students at a higher level”, he says.

02/12/2018 00:49


“After receiving the purification of the indigenous peoples of Mexico, I say to sum up in one sentence: the purification of the life in Mexico,” says López Obrador. The now president qualify as “a shame” the oppression to indigenous peoples and ensures that there will be policies to them.

02/12/2018 00:47


Lopez Obrador begins his speech to his supporters in the Zócalo . “Today I reaffirm the commitment not to lie, not to steal and not to betray the people of Mexico,” he says, and generates the ovation of the public.

02/12/2018 00:44


Give priority to the native peoples has been one of the promises of the campaign of López Obrador, generates in expectation with respect to its indigenous agenda .

02/12/2018 00:40


A woman delivers, on behalf of the native peoples, Baton to López Obrador, as a symbol of confidence in the next six years . “It is time to take command in Mexico.” Give, in addition, a pledge of the typical dress indian hand woven as a gift.

02/12/2018 00:36


Thousands of people they came from all over the country to witness the message of the new president. The Secretariat of Public Security of the mexican capital reported that at two in the afternoon already had more than 55,000 people present .

02/12/2018 00:34


Thousands of people witness the ceremony indian of the participating López Obrador.

02/12/2018 00:25


Lopez Obrador participates with his wife in a cleansing ritual done by members of the aboriginal peoples. the president-elect ends of the knees in front of the doctor indigenous that carried out the ceremony, also on his knees, after that this is emocionara and largara to cry.

02/12/2018 00:23


as the president arrives at the scene of the arm of two indian women . The native peoples will make delivery of the Baton as recognition . “It’s going to be consecrated by the sisters and brothers of the indigenous peoples of Mexico”, says a representative.

02/12/2018 00:15


Thus it is at this time the Socket , the plaza central where in minutes will discuss the new president of Mexico. Photo: EFE

02/12/2018 00:11


Lopez Obrador out of the National Palace to head to the Zocalo, where you will send in few minutes a message to his followers waiting for him since hours ago. What does walking in and giving a hand to those who came to the place.

02/12/2018 00:06


At five in the afternoon, it was expected that López Obrador will speak on the Socket to the thousands of fans who have been waiting since early in the plaza central of the capital. However, it seems that the speech will be delayed by at least a few minutes.

02/12/2018 00:02


in Addition to Mature, the second major absence in the inauguration, López Obrador was the president of Nicaragua. the Daniel Ortega canceled wracked by a deep political crisis since April, has claimed more than 320 killed in that central american country. The Government of Nicaragua was limited to sending a note of congratulations to the new president of mexico, in which we wish success in the development of its plans “in the happy coincidence of working ‘for the poor first'”, in reference to the slogan of Lopez Obrador. What has Carlos Salinas. Photo: EFE

01/12/2018 23:54


Chronic | “This Saturday, the mexican Government, led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has opened to the public for 84 years has been the official home of mexican presidents . Until now, enter any of the six buildings of the complex had been a privilege is limited to the former presidents, their families, and their teams”. Sonia Corona account on the first day of The Pine trees, the exresidencia presidential, as a space open to the public. Photo: Teresa Miguel.

01/12/2018 23:44


Nicolas Maduro , president of Venezuela, was photographed next to the heads of State of Cuba and Bolivia, Miguel Diaz-Canel and Evo Morales , respectively, during the private lunch to celebrate the inauguration of Lopez Obrador.

01/12/2018 23:33


Editorial | “This change opens the doors of the hope of the majority of the mexican people, who voted massively for the change in July, after three decades of unfulfilled promises of Governments of the National Action Party (PAN) and the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), but a serious bankruptcy of the State, particularly in two areas fundamental: the corruption and violence “. Photo: Europa Press

01/12/2018 23:21


The Socket, one of the largest squares in the world, is full of people who have gone to listen to Lopez Obrador, the newly inaugurated president of Mexico. 01/12/2018 23:01


After the inauguration, Lopez Obrador share in these moments his first lunch as president of Mexico in the National Palace with the heads of State and Government present. The food, a menu is very mexican (ribs in a sauce of axiote), will be accompanied with live music.

01/12/2018 22:53


The young cadet that was behind López Obrador during the swearing in trending on twitter . The good plant of the military sinaloan Geovanni Lizarraga has left more of a comment jokingly in the networks. What account Darinka Rodriguez 01/12/2018 22:46


The vice president of the united States, Mike Pence, about the investiture of the new head of mexican State : “Honored to congratulate the new president, López Obrador and first lady Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, on behalf of president Donald Trump and the american people. We had a great discussion about working together to to strengthen the security and prosperity for our nations.”

01/12/2018 22:45


people are still arriving to the Zócalo to celebrate the start of the presidential period of Lopez Obrador. For now, celebrate with music and singing. Later, the president will give a message to his followers. 01/12/2018 22:34


Hundreds of people have gone to The Pines , exresidencia official mexican presidents, to continue the relay of the endowment. Image: Teresa de Miguel 01/12/2018 22:25


Chronic | “rather than criticize Peña Nieto by corruption and Government elites deployed, the feeling among many of those who were preparing to be in the Zocalo this Saturday is that it is fired from a sexennium lost . In a world that is dynamic and thriving, with a youth who travels, speaks several languages and is prepared for the future, the ‘nadismo’ is punishable more harshly than the corruption “. Jacobo García recounts the atmosphere in the central square of the mexican capital before the historic change of Government. At five in the afternoon, Lopez Obrador give a speech to the supporters present. Photo: AFP.

01/12/2018 22:10


Songs and sound of trumpets begin to fill the square of the Socket. Elena Queen is there to on these days.

01/12/2018 21:59


The new Government is made up of 8 women and 11 men. The number two of Lopez Obrador will be Olga Sánchez Cordero, appointed secretary of the Interior (minister of Interior). See this ‘ who’s Who’ from our partner Darinka Rodriguez. Image: AP 01/12/2018 21:49


The arrival of Nicolas Maduro has generated the reaction of thousands of mexicans , among them legislators, have opposed the visit as a dictator. The controversial venezuelan president has landed in Mexico this morning along with a large entourage of the president.

01/12/2018 21:48


Chronic | “The first message of López Obrador, from the tribune of the Chamber of Deputies of San Lazaro, set your roadmap for a government of six years . It was a long speech that ranged from social program up to the promise of putting an end to the fracking and to the transgenic. However, the center of the message is in the promise to end corruption and give you a paradigm shift in the reflection, that the power given to the citizens in a country accustomed to seeing their politicians surrounded by opulence and wealth.” Luis Pablo Beauregard account of how people lived in the endowment within the mexican Parliament. Photo: Hector Guerrero

01/12/2018 21:35


Nicolas Maduro arrives… and Ivanka Trump is going. The daughter of the U.S. president has attended the inauguration ceremony, but you will not participate in the official reception in the National Palace. In the picture (AP), Trump climbs the stairs of the Air Force Two in the airport of the mexican capital. 01/12/2018 21:25


the arrival of The venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro, was one of the most anticipated and the most criticized. The seat reserved for the head of the bolivarian State in the Chamber of Deputies remained empty with its absence in the endowment. Photo: AFP

01/12/2018 21:23


Heat and a lot of people: so is the atmosphere in the plaza del Zócalo in the mexican capital on the occasion of the inauguration of Lopez Obrador. 01/12/2018 21:11


Profile: López Obrador against itself | AMLO is already president of Mexico. The combination of a personality absolutist and pragmatic has marked his political career and has come to the fore in the five months of transition. By Javier Lafuente . Image: Getty 01/12/2018 21:06


Members of the diaspora of Nicaragua in Mexico organized this morning a demonstration to protest against president Daniel Ortega in the outskirts of the Imperial Hotel in the mexican capital, where supposedly would host the president and his delegation. Ortega did not attend the inauguration of president Andrés Manuel López Obrador. 01/12/2018 21:05


The excandidato to the president, Ricardo Anaya , who lost the election to the leader of Brown last July, reappeared today after the swearing-in of Lopez Obrador to wish him the best and send a message to the opposition :

01/12/2018 20:55


Hundreds of supporters of López Obrador are Cratosslot heading towards the Zócalo to celebrate the inauguration. At 14.00 start a cultural event in the plaza. Informs Elena Queen from the place. 01/12/2018 20:55


National Palace , a SIXTEENTH-century building where they had viceroys his office, will also be the place of work of the new president of Mexico . During the campaign announced that it would not use The Pine trees, the official residence of the country’s leaders since 1935. It is not yet known where they will live the Lopez Obrador and his family. Image: EFE 01/12/2018 20:48


Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela, has arrived at the National Palace to attend the official reception after the investiture. The controversial leader was not present during the ceremony of swearing in the Chamber of Deputies. 01/12/2018 20:44


at The end of the investiture ceremony, the president of Mexico moved to the National Palace. Once inside, Lopez Obrador is photographed with his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, who refused to be called first lady. Supporters, outside the building, show your support for the new Government to the cry of “yes we could”.

01/12/2018 20:36


This is the moment a cyclist is about to the party of López Obrador to express his confidence. 01/12/2018 20:31


photo gallery | All images of the ceremony of investiture of the new president of Mexico in the Palace of San Lázaro that had just been completed. Photo: Monica Gonzalez

01/12/2018 20:24


Lopez Obrador, towards the end of his speech, said that the road to San Lázaro, a cyclist, a supporter shouted at him: “you have No right to fail us”. Thereafter, the now chairman closed the taking of possession by committing not to do so. “No, I don’t have the right to fail you to Mexico.” Photo: EFE

01/12/2018 20:13


An assistant to the endowment holding a sign that says “Rock on, hottie, you’re in prison”, while the now former president out of the Chamber of Deputies. However, Lopez Obrador has repeated in his speech that his administration would not prosecute presidents and senior officials of sexenios earlier. Image: Hector Guerrero 01/12/2018 20:12


Meanwhile, in the plaza of the Zócalo of the capital are rallying supporters of the new president. In the image (EFE), rows of dolls that mimic López Obrador in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral. 01/12/2018 20:03


In the image (EFE), the king of Spain, Felipe VI, talk with the daughter of the president of the united STATES, Ivanka Trump, before the investiture. Donald Trump has not been able to attend the ceremony by be attending the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires. 01/12/2018 19:58


Ends the swearing-in of Lopez Obrador as president of Mexico, and the meeting is adjourned in Congress.

01/12/2018 19:52


Not only had political leaders invited to the ceremony. The billionaire Carlos Slim, the richest man of Mexico, has also witnessed the investiture of a president who has denounced several times the neo-liberal model during his speech. Image: REUTERS 01/12/2018 19:51


as former president Enrique Peña Nieto stands up and gives the hand to Andrés Manuel López Obrador. 01/12/2018 19:47


“Thank you with all my heart. ¡Que viva Mexico!”. Thus ends the investiture speech of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the new president of Mexico. And begins to play the national anthem, all present standing. 01/12/2018 19:45


“In any circumstance I will reelegirme. I will abide by the revocation of the mandate because I want that the people have the reins of power,” points out López Obrador at the end of his speech and repeats that in two and a half years there will be a consultation to find out if they want to follow in the charge.”I accept the challenge,” he says.

01/12/2018 19:44


Lopez Obrador says he has to hurry: “we will fast, very fast, changes. So that if our adversaries we expire, since it is not possible to go back. That is not easy retrogradar”. 01/12/2018 19:43


When Lopez Obrador greets the absent Mature, the base of the conservative National Action Party rises from their seats to the cry of “dictator” and raises the banner against Mature hanged this morning in the Chamber. Photo: Reuters

01/12/2018 19:41


The ceremony of investiture of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, had two notable absences of representatives of governments of left of Latin America: Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela and Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, overwhelmed by a profound political crisis since April has claimed more than 320 killed in that central american country. Ortega did not attend the inauguration despite the fact that days before he had speculated about their possible visit to Mexico. 01/12/2018 19:40

Sonia Crown

The stage of invited to the decision of the protest of López Obrador: Ivanka Trump; king Felipe VI of Spain; Martin Vizcarra, president of Peru; the president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel; and the bolivian president, Evo Morales. Photo: Jose Mendez (EFE).

01/12/2018 19:40


The new president declares that it is “optimistic”: “We are on a trajectory to achieve the renaissance of Mexico. We will become an economic powerhouse and a country model.” 01/12/2018 19:39


“I don’t have the right to fail the people,” says Lopez Obrador, who today begins his six-year term of Government.

01/12/2018 19:36


part of Argentina, the vice-president Gabriela Michetti has been present for the taking of possession of López Obrador. President Mauricio Macri has not been able to travel because these days it is also celebrated in the south american country the G20 summit.

01/12/2018 19:33


Among the international leaders, López Obrador has taken to mentioning his “dear friend” Miguel Angel Revilla, president of the Spanish region of Cantabria. 01/12/2018 19:33


“Also thank you for the historical ties that bind us to the presence of Felipe VI, king of Spain”. 01/12/2018 19:30


Grateful for the presence of the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, in spite of not being present. Deputies of the opposition shout “Freedom, freedom!”. 01/12/2018 19:28


Begin the acknowledgements to the international leaders present in the Chamber of Deputies. The first references are to the Latin american countries. 01/12/2018 19:27


The newly inaugurated president highlights the new trade agreement reached between the united States, Canada, and Mexico signed this Friday in Argentina, during the celebration of the G20 summit. López Obrador ensures that the pact will bring new business opportunities for the mexican society.

01/12/2018 19:26


we Entered the terreno of the foreign policy. López Obrador lists the guiding principles: Non-intervention, self-determination of peoples, and development cooperation. Also appreciates the presence of the us vice-president Mike Pence and says it has received “respectful” of the president Donald Trump . 01/12/2018 19:25


Lopez Obrador repeated his commitment to safety as a priority and ensures that you will not use the Armed Forces against civilians. “The president of mexico never give the order to repress the people,” she says, something that he had already promised in the event in memory of the massacre of Tlatelolco 1968 in which particpó a few weeks ago.

01/12/2018 19:24


López Obrador praises the work of the Army during natural disasters. “The Army and the Navy may be, after their training in human rights, the institutions which ensure the internal security.” 01/12/2018 19:22


Requests the Congress a constitutional reform to permit the establishment of the National Guard . “I know that is a controversial topic,” he says. “The Armed Forces are among the best institutions of Mexico”. During the campaign, was very critical of the militarization of the country. 01/12/2018 19:19


One of the strongest claims of the opposition to Lopez Obrador is the prosecution of corruption to the officials of the six-year term ends. During the speech of the newly-formed president, legislators of various political parties have erected banners with this claim. Photo: Monica Gonzalez.

01/12/2018 19:18


The new president now speaks of the creation, recently announced, of the controversial National Guard that aims to fight against the rise of violence in the country. “The mexican citizen is currently in a state of helplessness”. 01/12/2018 19:17


Lopez Obrador returns to one of its promises most popular: the sale of the presidential plane. “will Be put on sale the presidential plane from the next Monday, and the whole fleet of planes and helicopters of senior officials”. 01/12/2018 19:14

Sonia Crown

In the Zocalo of Mexico City hundreds of people have gathered to see the decision of the protest of López Obrador. When in Congress, lawmakers have counted up to 43 students of Ayotzinapa, the people have followed the count in the square. Photo: Rodrigo Arangua (AFP)

01/12/2018 19:13


Lopez Obrador points out that his reforms will aim to help those who have less. “Will be awarded 10 million in scholarships to students of all levels, will be created 100 public universities, promote the sport, science and technology. You will also receive this support retirees and pensioners,” he says. In addition, the now president of Mexico promises to pensions for people with disabilities, and loans to farmers, artisans, small traders and entrepreneurs.

01/12/2018 19:12


The new president mentioned today, the struggle against climate change and the defense of the environment : “will Not allow fracking, or gmos”. 01/12/2018 19:11


López Obrador lists some of the reforms that you planned to do: cancel the educational reform, creating the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples, universal health care. 01/12/2018 19:08


“For the good of all, first the poor”, he insists. 01/12/2018 19:07


the base of The conservative National Action Party has taken out a few banners that require that you lower the fuel price , one of the promises of the campaign of López Obrador. “Lower the gas,” reads in them. Photo: AP

01/12/2018 19:06


“to Be increased to double the minimum wage.” López Obrador has made the fight against poverty one of its main banners. 43% of mexicans live below the line’s well-being. 01/12/2018 19:05


The account up to 43 in memory of the students of Ayotzinapa is carried out not only in Congress, but also in the Socket and in The Pines.

01/12/2018 19:04


The new president lists the major projects that it has planned to carry out during the sexennium among them the construction of a refinery in Tabasco, and the Train is Maya by the south-east of the country. “I get tired goose,” he says. 01/12/2018 19:03


One of the clear messages we want to send the Government of López Obrador is the auteridad: “We are preparing the budget for the next year, and thanks to the measures of auteridad, will increase the public investment to rescue the industry.”

01/12/2018 19:02


Lopez Obrador charge now against the increase of the debt during the sexenios of Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto. “It’s not going to increase the public debt, that is our commitment. Do not spend more than enter the public Treasury”. 01/12/2018 18:59


The president now in office speaks to the increase in prices: “there will be No need to raise taxes, and that is a commitment that I am making. Soon, when we finish the refinery that we’re going to build, and enable six refineries that we have, the price of fuel is going to fall,” he says, causing a clash between the cries of the different parties.

01/12/2018 18:58


New reference to the tight defeat in the 2006 elections against the former president Felipe Calderón: “We will end the shameful tradition of electoral fraud”. 01/12/2018 18:55


The speech will now review the bill to remove the privileges of public officials: “The president of the Republic may be prosecuted for the crime that it is, like any other citizen. We will put order in the dome of power because the corruption is practised from high to higher levels”.

01/12/2018 18:54


López Obrador now talks about the fight against corruption: “We have promoted a law to make corruption a felony, although it seems incredible it was not. I promise to not steal. Made it clear that if my loved ones commit a crime, shall be tried as any other citizen” 01/12/2018 18:51


López Obrador repeats an idea already expressed above, the possibility of discuss with the officials of the previous sexennium by corruption will be consulted to the people. “It is more important to abolish the regime of neoliberal submit to the judicial process to their representatives. I I will defend them with arguments of my position of end point to work towards the future. But the citizens will have the last word, because all these issues are going to consult the citizens,” he says. 01/12/2018 18:51

Elena Queen

mexicans can enter for the first time without restrictions, to Los Pinos, the official residence of the presidents. They are following from here, the swearing-in of Lopez Obrador and his speech. There are many families. 01/12/2018 18:50


The deputies yell out numbers until you get to 43, reference to the disappeared of Ayotzinapa . It was one of the cases that the more marked the previous sexennium. “It will create a Truth Commission to deal with the case of the young people are missing”, says López Obrador. The deputies received with applause this announcement. 01/12/2018 18:47


Lopez Obrador to talk about the possibility of investigating officials for corruption and says that you have to stop looking for scapegoats: “This new stage, we are going to start without pursuing anyone, because it is not committed to the circus and the simulation. We should start with the above, but there would not be jails enough. Meteríamos the country in a dynamic of confrontation that would take us to consume resources that we need to renegerar the country.”

01/12/2018 18:46


The speech is truffled historical references. Now speaking of the stage of “stabilizing development” of the 30’s to the 70’s as a golden period, previous to neo-liberalism. 01/12/2018 18:41


One of the axes of the discourse of López Obrador is the fight against corruption : “we Occupy the place 135 in corruption among 176 countries evaluated. And we go to that site then being in the place 56 in the year 2000. The hallmark of neoliberalism is the corruption. Privatisation has been in Mexico synonymous with corruption. What happened in the neoliberal period has no precedent. It has been implemented as a modus operandi the theft of the property of the people.”

01/12/2018 18:41


The discourse of López Obrador is still in the tab economic, with a strong criticism of the “neoliberal model”: “We are the nation that matters most corn in the world. Now we buy more than half of what we consume.” 01/12/2018 18:37


The president now in office: “it Is as serious as the damage caused to the energy sector during the neo-liberalism that, as one of the largest exporters, we are purchasing crude oil to supply the refineries in the country”.

01/12/2018 18:37


The time that López Obrador received the presidential sash. Photo: Monica Gonzalez.

01/12/2018 18:34


The new president is charge against one of the reforms the star of Peña Nieto, the energy : “Only has meaning to the fall of the oil production and the increase in excessive of the price of gasoline”. 01/12/2018 18:34


Lopez Obrador: “as to the inefficiency of the neoliberal model, even in quantitative terms has given good results. It has been the most inefficient in the history of Mexico. At this time, the economy has grown by 2% annually. And so therefore as the concentration of wealth in few hands has grown poverty”.

01/12/2018 18:33


López Obrador summed up his conception of the history of mexico with the three so-called transformations. Yours is the “fourth transformation”. “This is not a matter of rhetoric. The crisis in Mexico is originated not only by the neo-liberal economic model, but also by the predominance of the filthiest public corruption and private”. 01/12/2018 18:30


Lopez Obrador : “we Started today the fourth transformation. It may seem pretentious, or exaggerated, but today it is not only the start of a new government, today begins a change of political regime. From now on, to conduct a transformation that is peaceful and orderly. You will end up with the corruption and impunity that prevent the rebirth of Mexico.”

01/12/2018 18:29


Lopez Obrador started his first speech as president of Mexico, thanking Enrique Peña Nieto his attentions, and the “not intervened in the election as other presidents”. Makes reference to the tight 2006 election, in which Felipe Calderon beat Lopez Obrador by the minimum. 01/12/2018 18:27


Enrique Peña Nieto is removed the tri-colored flag presidential and the delivery to the president of the Chamber of Deputies, who gives it to Lopez Obrador. 01/12/2018 18:25


Begins to speak, López Obrador : “I Promise to play fair and patriotically the office of president of the Republic, that the people I have been granted in a democratic way”.

01/12/2018 18:23


Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, the president of the Chamber, announces that it will begin taking possession of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

01/12/2018 18:22


Lopez Obrador rises to the rostrum where he greets Enrique Peña Nieto , Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martí Batres, president of the Senate. “Viva, viva”, the shout of the deputies. 01/12/2018 18:21


López Obrador makes its way through the interior of the Chamber to the tribune. Deputies and senators raising their phones to capture the moment. 01/12/2018 18:18


The vice-president of the united States, Mike Pence (right), and the president of Colombia, Ivan Duke (left), already in the Congress to witness the swearing-in of Lopez Obrador. It is speculated much on the presence of Donald Trump in the jura, but the president opted for the G20 Summit, which is taking place in Argentina. Photo: EFE

01/12/2018 18:13


Lopez Obrador arrives at the Palace of San Lazaro, along with his wife. To get out of the car, she turned around to greet his followers. Photos: Gladys Serrano

01/12/2018 18:12


tensions between the benches marked the atmosphere of the Congress this December 1. The National Action Party , one of the most critical of López Obrador, was conclusive against the invitation of Nicolas Maduro to the inauguration, and now shows his discomfort with some of the invited guests to the ceremony.

01/12/2018 18:03


Enrique Peña Nieto arrives in this time to the Palace of San Lázaro , where it receives a group of deputies and senators. Takes the presidential sash tricolor that will pass to the new president, at the investiture ceremony. Image: Gladys Serrano 01/12/2018 17:56


minutes of the arrival of Peña Nieto and López Obrador to San Lazaro, the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro , who was invited to witness the swearing in of the Chamber of Deputies, has not yet arrived. It is unknown if the contractor bolivarian landed in Mexico even, for what that is expected will not be present in the jura. Photo: In this image, a protester outside Parliament (Reuters).

01/12/2018 17:53


The king of Spain, Felipe VI, has also just arrive at the Palace of San Lazaro, for the inauguration. Image: Gladys Serrano 01/12/2018 17:49


Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, is one of the guests that will follow the taking of possession of López Obrador within the Chamber of Deputies. Morales is one of the few heads of State of the left that remain in Latin America. Image: REUTERS 01/12/2018 17:44


The Government of president Daniel Ortega sent a message of congratulations to the president-elect of Mexico, Andrés López Obrador, to the purpose of his investiture. The message was sent to the diplomatic corps accredited in Nicaragua by the vice-president and first lady, Rosario Murillo, who is also in charge of the official communication from the State. “The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of the Republic of Nicaragua, expressed to You and to the Mexican People, their best wishes for you in this Brother Country to open all Roads and all the Doors that have been proposed, and to develop successfully all its Plans and Programs, in the happy coincidence of working ‘for the Poor, first,’” reads the official communication. Murillo is not reported if president Ortega is expected to attend the swearing-in of Lopez Obrador. Mid-week it was speculated with the possibility of the sandinista leader to travel to Mexico. 01/12/2018 17:38


The u.s. delegation, headed by the vice-chairman, Mike Pence, and the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, arrived this morning at the airport of the capital. Image: AP 01/12/2018 17:36


A caravan of about 20 vehicles accompanied Lopez Obrador in the 20 kilometers from his domiclio of the Palace of San Lázaro. 01/12/2018 17:31


The outgoing president, Enrique Peña Nieto has left your house, heading to the Congress of Deputies . “I wish them much success for the future, that will go very well,” he said to some fans who waited outside of your home.

01/12/2018 17:30


Lopez Obrador has just come out in your jetta white house in the south of the capital, in the direction of the Palace of San Lazaro, where he will take oath as the new president. Hundreds of followers will throng to the doors of the house, shouting “President, president!” 01/12/2018 17:24


The teachers walk the Walk of Reform of the capital to demand the repeal of the educational reform of Peña Nieto. The first manifestation of the new era. 01/12/2018 17:21


The office of Enrique Peña Nieto is already a museum piece . López Obrador has said that he will work from the National Palace, in the center of Mexico City. Reports our colleague Sonia Corona from the official residence of Los Pinos. 01/12/2018 17:09


Felipe Calderón, former president of Mexico (2006-2012), has tuiteado their best wishes to the new head of State. 01/12/2018 17:03


Some supporters of the new president have started to arrive to the plaza of the Zócalo, where after 14: 00 will start a cultural event. At 18.00 it is expected that López Obrador will address their supporters. Image: EFE 01/12/2018 16:52


Los Pinos, the official residence of mexican presidents from more than 70 years ago, was just opened to the public. During the campaign, López Obrador announced that he would not live there and that was going to transform into a cultural space. 01/12/2018 16:33


“Maduro you are not welcome”. A group of deputies of the National Action Party has hung up a sign of rejection of the presence of the president of Venezuela as a guest to the transfer of powers. Image: Monica Gonzalez 01/12/2018 16:18


Begins the ceremony of investiture at the Palace of San Lázaro , where it is met by the Congress. Now speak to the leaders of all the political groups with a presence in parliament. It is expected that López Obrador gets to the House about 11: 00 (local time) and 18.00 in Spain. 01/12/2018 16:13


Lopez Obrador has said during the transición that he will bring the “fourth transformation” to Mexico . According to the new president, the first transformation of the country was the struggle for the independence of the Spanish colonial power; the second, with the movement known as “Reform,” driven by Benito Juarez; and the third, after the revolution of 1910. 01/12/2018 16:06


there are Still a few hours for that López Obrador is sworn in as president, but the social networks of the Government are already in the hands of the new administration. This was his first tweet: 01/12/2018 15:46


There are more than 900 guests to the ceremony of transfer of powers, among them Felipe VI, king of Spain. The King met Friday with outgoing president , Enrique Peña Nieto, the official residence of Los Pinos, and this Saturday will participate in an official reception at the National Palace of Mexico City. Image: Francisco Gómez (EFE) 01/12/2018 15:31


The relationship between the new president and the Army has been one of the great unknowns of the transition. Six days before his inauguration, López Obrador convened an unprecedented meeting with personnel of the Army and the Navy to announce that it will become a key part of the fight against violence. Has given the mission more transcendent of its legislature: the security of a country that lives the worst figures of violence in its history. The account Paul Ferri:

01/12/2018 15:30


Lopez Obrador will be the first president of the left-wing of the recent history of Mexico. Before, we have preceded the heads of State of only two formations: the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which dominated the political life of the country during the XX century, and the National Action Party (PAN), which ended the hegemony pri in the year 2000. This is a reminder of their predecessors in the position, through portraits of the presidential . 01/12/2018 15:17


Enrique Peña Nieto leaves the Presidency with just over 43% of mexicans in poverty. Although the extreme lack has receded, the low economic growth and a social policy insufficient are behind the stagnation of the general poverty, one of the open wounds of the six-year period. To reduce it will be one of the main challenges of López Obrador. The account Jon Martin Cullell:

01/12/2018 15:01


Opinion | “The first of December start of the democratic transition. Twenty years after it was announced, will no longer be a discourse, to become reality. For the first time in the modern history of our country, will govern the party for which voted the majority of those who had always lost; for the first time, it does not govern any of the parties for which they had voted that they had always won.” The writer Emiliano Monge reflects on the significance of this presidential transition:

01/12/2018 14:30


Each year, some 250,000 migrant stood in the dark, alone and silent by the country, although the recent caravan of hondurans is the more media attention it has attracted. Stop the exodus of central americans will be the first challenge of the new Government. By now, the mexican strategy passes by the implementation of a Marshall plan to Central america. By James Garcia:

01/12/2018 14:00


Mexico chose in the last election by a political spin is also expected to impact the economic decisions. Lopez Obrador has given in the past five months, some clues about the direction his administration might take in the coming years: more social spending and fewer resources to sectors that historically benefit from the public resources. By Sonia Crown:

01/12/2018 13:26


Opinion | “Andrés Manuel won the elections with a forcefulness without historical precedent, and with a speech worthy of the canon populist: he had triumphed in the good village, against the ‘mob power’. And his triumph detonated what that will be, throughout his presidency, his two Achilles heel: the panic of their opponents and the extravagant expectations of his followers”. The grandstand of Viridiana Rios COUNTRY:

01/12/2018 12:55


Before the brutal fall suffered by the financial sector by the proposals of Brown, the party of López Obrador, the Bank of Mexico has warned about the uncertainty in the sector the new administration. The body, in addition, it has lowered its growth forecast for 2019. The account Sonia Crown:

01/12/2018 12:20


Opinion | “on December 1, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) will take office as president of Mexico. January 1, Jair Bolsonaro he will do so as president of Brazil. After a few long months of hectic activity of elections in Latin America, the two largest countries of the region started a political way unknown until now”. the Cristina Manzano makes the comparison between the two new strong men of the continent, which are at the antipodes ideological:

01/12/2018 11:35


From almost two years ago the mexican State of Guanajuato is living a wave of violence unparalleled. Until the 31 of October in Guanajuato were committed 2.742 murders. In all of 2017 were 1.423. And in 2016, 1.096. And the question is do neighbors, what is going to happen? How can I stop this? the Paul Ferri account of the little enthusiasm that wakes up the National Guard of Lopez Obrador in this violent entity:

01/12/2018 11:04


Interview | What are the major economic challenges that will face Lopez Obrador from this Saturday? Do you need Mexico a reforma tax? What weight has the inequality in the national economy? The economist of the UNAM and the former chief of analysis of the Eclac, Juan Carlos Moreno Brid, responds to THE COUNTRY some questions for the next sexennium. the

01/12/2018 10:12


Opinion | “The party founded just a few years ago for López Obrador will have a clear path. You do not have opponents in front of you but will have huge difficulties to walk. Brown, the new majority, is a party child. He was called to govern, but it is not clear who is able to govern itself. It is a coalition which, beyond their loyalty to the founder, lacking signs of identity and, above all, of leadership effective”. the Jesus Silva Herzog think about what will hold in store for the next six years, the president-elect. the

01/12/2018 09:22


From almost two years ago the mexican State of Guanajuato is living a wave of violence unparalleled. Until the 31 of October in Guanajuato were committed 2.742 murders. In all of 2017 were 1.423. And in 2016, 1.096. And the question is do neighbors, what is going to happen? How can I stop this? Paul Ferri has the little enthusiasm that wakes up the National Guard of Lopez Obrador in this violent entity. 01/12/2018 08:41


Interview | What are the major economic challenges that will face Lopez Obrador from this Saturday? Do you need Mexico, a fiscal reform? What weight has the inequality in the national economy? The economist of the UNAM and the former chief of analysis of the Eclac, Juan Carlos Moreno Brid, responds to THE COUNTRY some questions for the next sexennium. 01/12/2018 07:53


Opinion | “The party founded just a few years ago for López Obrador will have a clear path. You do not have opponents in front of you but will have huge difficulties to walk. Brown, the new majority, is a party child. He was called to govern, but it is not clear who is able to govern itself. It is a coalition which, beyond their loyalty to the founder, lacking signs of identity and, above all, of leadership effective”. Jesus Silva Herzog is your opinion on what you hold in store for the next six years, the president-elect. 01/12/2018 07:20


Good night. Welcome to the direct of the taking of possession of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as president of Mexico. The leader of Morena watch for the morning (mexican time) the ceremony of investiture in the Chamber of Deputies, in front of heads of State, heads thin of the international community and mexican legislators. At 17.00 h in Mexico and 24h in Spain, will celebrate the jura along with their supporters in the historic centre of the capital. 01/12/2018 06:51