Tim Cook comes each October 5 to Twitter to say that he misses Steve Jobs. That day seven years ago she died the genius of Apple. In the last message, Cook recalled his former boss saying that it taught him “what it means to serve humanity”. Always has a chance, says how much that inspired him. Was chosen to give continuity to the vision that revolutionized multiple industries thanks to the Mac, the iPod or the iPhone. But long ago turned away from their shadow.

Jobs was an iconoclast. He had an extraordinary ability to distinguish yourself from the norm. Was headstrong, with ideas very firm about what I wanted it to be Apple, and was a step ahead of their competitors. The success of the company relies still in that culture of innovation with the recovered Apple. But his masterful touch was to place the consumer at the center of their vision and cultivate their loyalty with devices extraordinary. It was not the first, but it is the best on the market.

Cook is not as charismatic. And much less is a pioneer in the computer industry. But it is the general ideal for times of peace. Your magic is in to have taken advantage of the reputation of the brand and establish a model of highly profitable business that has given stability to the company and has made it predictable. As director of operations was instructed to fine-tune the complex supply chain that gave life to the ideas of Jobs, and turned Apple into a major industrial power.


But who is really the better manager of the two executives? What were the past times more prosperous than the present? There are many ways to measure the quality of a ceo, as the stock valuation of the company that he manages, the patent presents, its weight in the market where it operates, the pace of sales growth or the power of the brand. The performance of Apple has been superlative for the past seven years in all metrics.

With much less charisma that Jobs, Cook has given the best performance of Apple

And that despite the fact that sales of the iPhone, its flagship product, ground to a halt two years ago. Instead of falling revenues, grew up thanks to that Cook established a structure that allowed the machine to continue moving forward at a pace enviable in spite of their maturity and size. Its big bet was to enhance the services to monetize the ecosystem of devices that work with the operating system iOS. The profit margin, in addition, is much higher.

Cook worked for Compaq when they joined Jobs. Before spent by IBM, after graduating from the University of Auburn Fenomenbet (Alabama). Your environment will said moving to Apple was crazy because it was a company much more modest in size, that was full of problems and led by an executive that he would no shortage of ego. But his intuition made him take the step. Convinced that the signature of Cupertino was doing something different from the rest of the technology industry.

Tim Cook did things that Steve Jobs would not have arisen. The large clear occurred when he decided to return money in mass to the shareholders, by way of the repurchase of shares and the delivery of dividends. He did so, moreover, by resorting to the debt market to not have to repatriate cash accumulated outside. This award is largely explained by the escalation that led to Apple the billion dollars of stock valuation and attracted investors such as Warren Buffett.

Already had to deal with the management of Apple twice before that Jobs will vanish completely, while it was the cancer. The company continued to introduce new products, such as the clock, the wireless headset or the loudspeaker wizard. In the design demonstrated that nothing is sacred, when you delete the home button, entered the game for the large displays, introduced a mini version of the iPad, we joined the electronic pen and removed the USB port of the laptop.

quality Control

The ceo is being very rigorous in the quality control of the products. Mind that each day get up at four in the morning to read the comments of the users, for not only depend on your environment. But that did not prevent moments of shameful, as the problems you had with the maps application, the housing with battery for iPhone, the bar touch on the MacBookPro or the delay in the marketing of the HomePod.

distanced himself from him giving dividends to the investors. But today the competition tightens

If what is observed is the market, the situation is different. The great enemy of Steve Jobs was Microsoft, the dominant company in the technology sector. Google was beginning by then to gain pre-eminence. Cook has to deal with right now, in addition, with Facebook, Amazon, Samsung and dozens of manufacturers of electronic devices of low cost that use the Android operating system, which are mighty rivals in emerging markets.

The competitive space, therefore, is enormous and that forces it to the ceo of Apple to preserve their place in time to mark the way. The product launches of Apple are not unique, and it lost the effect suspense of the past, to the point that the events are closed without the famous “there is another thing more,” with the Jobs surprised his fans. They are, in fact, they are the most critical of Cook.

Jobs put his soul in the products. Cook is also concerned by the whole of the company, to the point of engaging in actions to make it more socially responsible. Her activism became a hallmark of Apple. He spoke openly of gay rights, privacy, or migration, and improved working conditions across the supply chain and is committed to using 100% renewable energy. It is your way of getting beyond your vision.