Juan Carlos I has participated this Monday with his son, Felipe VI, in the first of the two acts that will perform together to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Constitution, after months without an appointment of great relevance in the agenda of the House of the King. The appointment has taken place in the Palace of El Pardo, in Madrid, where they have both received in audience the members of the Advisory Council of the General Courts for the Commemoration of the 40 years of the basic Law, with the presidents of the Congress and the Senate, Ana Pastor, and Pio Garcia-Escudero, and the vice-president of the Government, Carmen Calvo, the head of the commission.

At the meeting, the Pastor has thanked Felipe VI and Juan Carlos I, who have incarnated, “steadily, the maximum and permanent representation of the nation” and that the Crown has been “the first server and the guarantor of the constitutional order”. The president of the Congress has stressed that the Constitution “was of all and for all, without exclusion” in the time of their adoption “has to continue being of all” after their first 40 years of life.

Shepherd has highlighted the task performed by thirty personalities and policies of the academic and cultural world who have worked since September of last year on the various activities undertaken to commemorate the Magna Carta “with all the significance that the event deserves.” Also, has praised the support he has had on the part of the chief minister, Pedro Sanchez, of the vice-president and the different ministries, in particular, that of Culture.

the appointment, among others, have visited the co-rapporteurs of the Constitution, Miguel Herrero of filet Mignon and José Pedro Pérez-Llorca; the vice-president of the Government, Carmen Calvo, and the minister of Culture and Sport, José Guirao; the former ministers Alfonso Guerra and Marcelino Oreja , and a group of deputies and senators of the PSOE, PP and Citizens.


The king emeritus, who did not share an official act with your child from the 7th of June, next Thursday will have a prominent role in the solemn ceremony held in the Congress of Deputies on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution, which will also be present with the princess Leonor and the infanta Sofia. The House of the King has avoided repeating the mistake that was made in 2017 in commemoration of the anniversary of the first democratic elections, when Juan Carlos I, a key figure in the advent of democracy, was excluded from the ceremony held in the Congress of Deputies. The king emeritus, next to doña Sofía, will also participate this Tuesday in the inauguration of an exhibition in the framework of the anniversary of the Constitution in the CaixaForum in Madrid.

After the scandals that led to his abdication in 2014, as the case Nóos and their mistakes hunting in the middle of a deep crisis, the House of the King reduced its presence in the official agenda in order to preserve to the Crown of the alleged negative effects related with your figure. From 2017, following the verdict that acquitted the infanta Cristina in the case of the business which her husband, Iñaki Urdangarin, became the shadow of the House of the King, Juan Carlos I began to regain prominence in the official acts.

all in all, the figure of the king emeritus, has not been able to get rid of the dispute policy. The alleged recordings of the excomisario Jose Manuel Villarejo, Corinna Sayn-Wittgenstein, alleged close friend of Juan Carlos I, reveals that the then head of State had a financial structure that is opaque and that he used her as a figurehead to reside in Monaco, have fueled the debate about the utility of the Monarchy. It has joined the recent greeting in Abu Dhabi of Juan Carlos I and the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad Bin Salman, to which the CIA to blame for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi the saudi embassy in Istanbul on the 2nd of October, which has led to protests in parliament and has power on social networks.