The uruguayan Government has denied this Monday the political asylum to former peruvian Alan García, investigated for corruption, when you consider that in your case, there is no political persecution and that in Peru, “work autonomous and freely the three powers of the State”, said this Monday the president of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez. “The judicial investigations against former president Alan Garcia did not constitute political persecution, in the case of allegations related mostly to economic facts and administrative developed during his two terms as constitutional president of the Republic of Peru,” added the chancellor uruguay, Rodolfo Nin Novoa.


Peru waiting for a response “reasoned” of Uruguay on the asylum, Alan García, former peruvian Alan García, investigated for collusion and money laundering

Garcia, as explained by president Vázquez, he must leave by their own means, to the Embassy of Uruguay in Lima, where he took refuge last night, November 17, day in which a judge issued the order that prevents him from leaving the country in the next 18 months as investigated by collusion, money laundering and influence trafficking, offences linked to the concession of line 1 of the Metro to the construction company, the brazilian Odebrecht, a company with ongoing cases for corruption in several countries of Latin America. Despite the fact that Garcia, once known the arraignment order, he assured the press that would be following the measure because it was not a dishonour to remain in their country to present “the contrapruebas”, it was at that moment when he decided to take refuge in the legation of uruguay.

Half an hour after the announcement on Monday in Montevideo, the uruguayan ambassador in Lima, Carlos Barros, reported that the former president had already left the residence of the diplomat. Shortly after, the secretary of Garcia, Ricardo Pinedo, stated to the radio station Radioprogramas that in the course of the morning the exmandatario would go to his home in the district of Miraflores, in Lima.

From two weeks ago, several delegations of peru have Bets10 visited Uruguay to defend or to oppose the asylum of Garcia. Among them is the National Coordinator of Human Rights of Peru, which held meetings with political representatives, and denounced an “attempted manipulation” on the part of the former president. Also visited Montevideo a commission of the APRA (the party of the exmandatario) that was received by the former president Julio María Sanguinetti, the only politician uruguayan who had been inclined to grant the request of the peruvian.

The president Vázquez and minister of Foreign affairs pointed out Monday in a press conference that the decision results of the analysis of a report more than a thousand pages about the case. Sources from the foreign ministry of Peru said that the diplomatic note of some eight pages, which he sent to the peruvian Government, was accompanied by annexes that are not numbered one-hundred sheets of paper.

Tradition of asylum

Uruguay, a country with a long tradition of asylum to persons persecuted for political reasons, applied the protocol of Caracas of 1954, signed by all the countries of the OAS. This treaty made it obligatory that, at the request of Garcia, to open the proceedings and take a decision in accordance with legal arguments.

Garcia is being investigated since last year by traffic of influences. While the prosecutor José Domingo Pérez expanded the case to two other crimes after receiving evidence of the area of bribes from the construction company in brazil, which in July 2012 asked an external lawyer to sign a contract with an earlier date and to transfer $ 100,000 of the accounting parallel to the bank account of the political as a payment for a conference held in may of that year in São Paulo. The former president resided in Madrid, so the prosecutor asked for his arraignment, for the purpose of conducting investigations.

The majority of the representatives of the Broad Front (left, in power) considered that Garcia is facing the justice of his country for acts of corruption, a stance that shares the opposition of centre and centre-right.

Today, the special team for the case Lava Jato of the office of the Prosecutor peruvian researches, in addition to Garcia, the other three former presidents: Alejandro Toledo, Ollanta Humala and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, to the exalcaldesa Susana Villarán, and the former presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori. The searches are centrran in bribes from Odebrecht and in contributions illegal from that company for election campaigns.