In the last 25 years the tax systems of the OECD countries have been converging, and have reached a maximum of collection in relation to GDP, equivalent to 34.2% at the end of 2017, two tenths more than a year before. The tax systems follow the trend to the upside favored since the financial crisis that erupted in 2008. Structures tax the most developed countries have moved towards a greater imposition on value added (VAT), social security contributions (to reinforce the systems of pensions) and income taxes, while we have been reducing the importance of the personal income tax (IRPF), which experts say is an obstacle to employment. Are some of some of the conclusions drawn from the report on trends in taxation in the OECD between 1965 and 2017 posted this Wednesday.


“The technology press of the tax system,” Brussels calls for fines to banks that hide tricks tax from their customers tax on the job fall for the third consecutive year by the recovery in The OECD and the inequality of The tax burden in the OECD reached historic highs

the document produced by the OECD discusses the tax changes of the 34 most developed countries of the world. According to the report Betmatik of the agency with headquarters in Paris, the taxes on the property in Spain are among the more collected in proportion of the GDP of the developed countries.

An analysis of the burden of taxation by countries reveals that the fiscal pressure [measured as tax revenues to GDP ratio] varies from 16.2% in Mexico up to 46.2% of France. Spain is slightly below the area average of the OECD, with 33.7%. Although compared with the countries of our environment, our tax burden is far from the eu average. Of the 34 countries analyzed, 20 states are within five percentage points of the OECD average (34.2 per cent). Since 1995, the dispersion of taxes between countries has fallen and the international trend is moving towards a gradual tax harmonisation.

In most of the developed countries the increase in the proportion of tax revenues in relation to GDP is due to the collection rated has grown faster than the GDP, and not so much to increases in tax rates.